Am 29.03.2017 um 15:41 schrieb José Abílio Matos:

OK, I committed a change that should fix this problem.

Thanks José,

this does not fix the bug. I get still the same error message:

22:59:50.996: File "D:/LyXGit/Master/lib/", line 1811, in <module>
22:59:50.999:     windows_style_tex_paths = checkTeXPaths()
22:59:51.000: File "D:/LyXGit/Master/lib/", line 203, in checkTeXPaths 22:59:51.003: inpname = shortPath(str(tmpfname, encoding)).replace('\\', '/')
22:59:51.004: TypeError: decoding str is not supported

> Could you, please, open a terminal/power shell to call directly
> python and then run:
> import locale
> locale.getdefaultlocale()
> I am interested in the output of the second line.

I get only one line of output. It is

('de_DE', 'cp1252')

Here is the complete content of the Python console:

Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5, Mar 21 2017, 17:54:52) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import locale
>>> locale.getdefaultlocale()
('de_DE', 'cp1252')

regards Uwe

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