On 17 May 2017 at 23:02, Christian Ridderström <c...@lyx.org> wrote:

> On 17 May 2017 at 22:47, Fan Zhang <fan.zh...@skhms.com> wrote:
>> I was asked for a username and password from ftp://ftp.lyx.org
>> I don’t know how I can get that. Can you please help?
> Hi Fan,
> Thanks for letting us know you still have the problem.

Can anyone say if what's described below (regarding name/password) is a new
behaviour, or if it's always been like this?


> I think I was able to reproduce your experience/problem when trying to
> download LyX by doing the following:
> * Browse to https://www.lyx.org/Download
> * Click on the link that refers to FTP site
> <ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/bin/2.2.3>  ( ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/
> bin/2.2.3 )
> I was then asked for a user name / password, just like you say.
> This is of course confusing, so I'm CC:ing this e-mail to the developers'
> list for further discussion even thought there might not actually be
> anything we can do about it directly.
> However, what's helpful for you to know is that you can log in to the FTP
> site _anonymously_.
> I'm currently on macOS, so in my case when I click the FTP-link, Safari
> asks me if I want to open the address in "Finder" (like Explorer on
> Windows). That's when I'm asked for a name and password. However, at this
> point I can select to connect as "Guest", and I then don't need to enter
> any name or password.
> How you should do this depends on from what platform you're connecting and
> what FTP-client you're using, but the bottom line is that you should be
> able to log in anonymously / guest. I have a vague memory that you can just
> give the name as "anonymous" and simply give e.g. your e-mail address as a
> password, and you'll get in.

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