On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, Angus Leeming wrote:

> Does the fact that "boost::scoped_ptrs" etc are now appearing everywhere mean
> that we are now using namespaces officially and that I can write (for
> example):
> namespace frontends {
> namespace citation {
>       ...
> }
> }

You could but why would you need namespace citation?
Just to bundle the view and controller sections?
Seems a bit of overkill.

Just the frontend namespace should be enough.

Although, I think (instant thought -- just add water) that maybe a
namespace frontend ... I don't know I've lost the thought now...
maybe I just thought better of it.  Maybe I'm tired.  Maybe I'm turning
into a Morlock.  (I think I spelled that right -- and no I didn't mispell

Allan. (ARRae)

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