John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On 14 Mar 2001, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
| > >>>>> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > 
| > Angus> As Lars says that namespaces are "GO, GO", I'd like to go
| > Angus> through the header files (not the .C files) and remove code
| > Angus> like:
| > 
| > Angus> #ifdef SIGC_CXX_NAMESPACES using SigC::Object; #endif
| > 
| > If you are going to do that, then remove _all_ the namespace testing,
| > please.
| > 
| > JMarc
| and we should add a configure test and fail to complete if namespaces aren't 
| will this fail reliably :
| "
| namespace Test {
|       class Best;
| };
| using Test::Best;
| "
| or will something else ? I'd do this but I don't have a broken-enough compiler around

Look at the tests already used in configure.


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