On 08/24/2018 11:19 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 02:17:30PM -0400, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
On 08/24/2018 12:58 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
In the attached file, the LyX display shows that the lowercase "a" is
bold (see my screenshot), although it is not (as shown if you dissolve
the notes). Inside the note, the display changes when e.g. doing
"emphasize", but I cannot seem to write text that is displayed as

I can reproduce this back to 2.1.0. I have a feeling that this issue is
known, but I could not find the trac ticket. I looked through the bugs
in the components "font" and "insettext".

Can someone else reproduce? Is this a known issue or should I start a
new ticket?


I confirm that your version displays the lower case a in bold in the GUI
with LyX 2.3, even after saving and reopening (which updates the LyX format
to 544). On the other hand, if I start from scratch and try to recreate it,
I get the upper case A appearing bold and the lower case a appearing normal,
as one would expect.

Diffing files, I see the problem. Your file contains the following (with
empty lines removed for readability):
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\noindent                                              <-- ??
\series bold                                           <-- oops
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\series bold
\series default
When I start from scratch, the two lines I flagged are not present. In
particular, that "\series bold" that you have and I don't seems to apply to
the entire inner note.

As to how it got there, that I do not know.
Thanks for investigating, Paul! You solved the puzzle and now I figured
out how to reproduce the .lyx file I sent. But now I wonder if the
behavior is a feature and not a bug. In any case, here are the steps:

1. Start a new file.
2. Toggle bold (e.g., ctrl + b).
3. Start a LyX note.
4. Type "A"
5. Toggle bold (e.g., ctrl + b).
6. Type "a".

I guess this might be a feature, since the whole inset is bold because
of (1). So even if there is unbolded text inside it, it should (?) be
displayed as bold. When I disolve the inset, then the text is free to
reclaim its previously ignored properties.

I guess I would tend to think that, in all matters of formatting or style, the innermost setting (the setting most proximate to the text) should rule. So I would expect that lower case "a" to be normal weight, even with the bolding of the entire note. The one exception might be an option to strip all formatting from the cursor selection, which would overrule (and remove) any format stuff no matter how deeply nested.

That said, I would not be shocked if some users wanted to keep things the way they are.


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