Am Freitag, den 21.09.2018, 14:45 +0100 schrieb Paola Manzini:
>  Thanks , I did View>Messages Pane and below is what is created when
> attempting to import - hope it does make sense to you!

Not to me, but I hope to others. Thanks anyway!


> 14:43:48.720: Importing .../papers pandm/provaImport.lyx...
> 14:43:48.764: "/Applications/" -f
> "provaImport.tex" "provaImport.lyx"
> 14:43:48.769: dyld: Library not loaded:
> /Users/Shared/LyX/utilities/lib/libhunspell-1.3.0.dylib
> 14:43:48.773: Referenced from:
> /Applications/
> 14:43:48.776: Reason: image not found
> 14:43:48.778: The process crashed some time after starting
> (294): Systemcall:
> '"/Applications/" -f "provaImport.tex"
> "provaImport.lyx"' finished with exit code -1
> Error: Cannot convert file
> ----------------------------------------
> An error occurred while running:
> $$s/../MacOS/tex2lyx -f "provaImport.tex" "provaImport.lyx"
> 14:43:52.809: file not imported!
> 14:43:52.810: (buffer-import latex)

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