On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 01:20:21PM -0400, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> I'm embarrassed to have to ask, but how does one get debug output with the
> Windows version of LyX (2.3 or later)? From a command window, I've tried
> both "start LyX2.3 -dbg all" and "cmd /K LyX2.3 -dbg all", and have tried
> surrounding the executable name and flags with quotes, and swearing in
> multiple languages while starting it, to no avail. LyX starts every time,
> but I get no output in the command window.

Please don't be embarrassed. I (sincerely) have a lot of respect for
anyone who attempts to debug on Windows!

Hopefully someone else will give a more informative reply regarding the
command window, but you can alternatively get useful information if you
go to View > Messages Pane. You can make the same settings as you do
with the -dbg option. for example, you can click on the "Settings" tab
in the Messages Pane, and choose which messages you want to appear. In
the "Output" pane, note that you can right-click and do "Select All" to
paste into a separate text file. I'm guessing you already knew this, but
sometimes I forget about this option, so in case it is anything urgent,
I described it here.



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