Dear devs,

I'm struggling to cobble together a module supporting the pseudocode features of the algorithmicx package. As a disclaimer, I'm trying to avoid flex insets and stick to environments as much as possible, because there's less mousery switching an environment than insert an inset.

Right now, I'm tripping over the for block, which it implements by two LaTeX commands: \For{<conditions>} and \EndFor. I can treat those as command styles and get the correct output, but the GUI is confusing to the user because nothing displays in the line ending the loop (it looks like a blank line to the user) and the condition appears in the starting line with no visible prefix (so it looks like any random statement in the algorithm, unless you notice what the environment select box is displaying.

So what I'm looking for right now is a way to display a tag/prefix/symbol at the start of a command style that appears in the GUI but /not/ in the compiled output. The "handle" for an inset would be fine, as would something like a bullet that was GUI-only. Can this be done with the current layout/module system?


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