On 10/19/18 3:46 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> On 10/18/18 9:53 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> On 10/18/18 2:01 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>>> On 10/17/18 7:09 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>>> On 10/17/18 2:35 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>>>>> On 10/17/18 11:24 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/17/18 9:30 AM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>>>>>>> On 10/16/18 10:24 PM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 17/10/2018 4:47 a.m., Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear devs,
>>>>>>>>> I'm struggling to cobble together a module supporting the
>>>>>>>>> pseudocode features of the algorithmicx package. As a
>>>>>>>>> disclaimer, I'm trying to avoid flex insets and stick to
>>>>>>>>> environments as much as possible, because there's less mousery
>>>>>>>>> switching an environment than insert an inset.
>>>>>>>>> Right now, I'm tripping over the for block, which it
>>>>>>>>> implements by two LaTeX commands: \For{<conditions>} and
>>>>>>>>> \EndFor. I can treat those as command styles and get the
>>>>>>>>> correct output, but the GUI is confusing to the user because
>>>>>>>>> nothing displays in the line ending the loop (it looks like a
>>>>>>>>> blank line to the user) and the condition appears in the
>>>>>>>>> starting line with no visible prefix (so it looks like any
>>>>>>>>> random statement in the algorithm, unless you notice what the
>>>>>>>>> environment select box is displaying.
>>>>>>>>> So what I'm looking for right now is a way to display a
>>>>>>>>> tag/prefix/symbol at the start of a command style that appears
>>>>>>>>> in the GUI but /not/ in the compiled output. The "handle" for
>>>>>>>>> an inset would be fine, as would something like a bullet that
>>>>>>>>> was GUI-only. Can this be done with the current layout/module
>>>>>>>>> system?
>>>>>>>>> TIA,
>>>>>>>>> Paul
>>>>>>>> Is this what you are wanting (from Customization manual 5.3.7)?
>>>>>>>> (I experimented with this a couple of years ago, so my memory
>>>>>>>> of the exact effect is somewhat hazy.)
>>>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>>>>> |LabelType|
>>>>>>>>     [|/No_Label/, Manual, Static, Above,
>>>>>>>>     Centered, Sensitive, Enumerate,
>>>>>>>>     Itemize, Bibliography|]
>>>>>>>>     |Static|
>>>>>>>>         means the label is simply what is declared as
>>>>>>>>         |LabelString|. This will be displayed “inline”, at the
>>>>>>>>         beginning of the paragraph. If the |LatexType| is
>>>>>>>>         |Environment|, then it will be displayed only in the
>>>>>>>>         first paragraph of any sequence of paragraphs with the
>>>>>>>>         same |Style|.
>>>>>>>>     |Above| and |Centered|
>>>>>>>>         are special cases of |Static|. The label will be
>>>>>>>>         printed above the paragraph either at the beginning of
>>>>>>>>         the line or centered.
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>>>>>>>> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>>>>>>> Thanks for the reply, but no, that doesn't work. With a command
>>>>>>> type style (and combined with a LabelString argument) it does
>>>>>>> not seem to do anything in either the GUI or the output. I tried
>>>>>>> it with an environment, and I believe the label string showed up
>>>>>>> in the output but not the GUI. (I would have to double-check that.)
>>>>>> Try this in Local Layout (to test):
>>>>>> Format 66
>>>>>> Style ForLoop
>>>>>> LatexType Command
>>>>>> LabelType Static
>>>>>> LabelString "ForLoop: "
>>>>>> EndLabelType Static
>>>>>> Margin Static
>>>>>> LeftMargin "ForLoop: "
>>>>>> LabelFont
>>>>>> Color red
>>>>>> Series bold
>>>>>> EndFont
>>>>>> EndLabelString " EndForLoop"
>>>>>> LatexName forloop
>>>>>> End
>>>>>> The margin always throws me off. If it's wrong, the label is off
>>>>>> screen to the left.
>>>>>> You could also try "LabelType Above" and remove the margin stuff.
>>>>>> Riki
>>>>> Thanks Riki! That at least gets me headed in the right direction.
>>>>> I don't know why I wasn't getting the label string to display
>>>>> before -- maybe because I failed to specify the Margin, LeftMargin
>>>>> or LabelFont? (I did specify LabelType and LabelString, with no luck.)
>>>>> The margin business is going to be interesting. Your code has the
>>>>> correct left margin when select the ForLoop style from the
>>>>> environment list, but when I nest it (inside an algorithmicx
>>>>> environment) the label moves to the left (I would have expected
>>>>> right) and blows the left margin. I expect that an exhaustive try
>>>>> of all choices will eventually find one that works.
>>>> It would not surprise me if there were a bug here about margin
>>>> handling. Can you send an MWE? Put any new layout code into Local
>>>> Layout.
>>>> Riki
>>> I think the attached MWE shows what I was talking about. (At least,
>>> it does for me.) To avoid requiring any special packages, I'm using
>>> the quote environment as a surrogate for the algorithmic environment
>>> and a dummy LaTeX function as a surrogate for the actual for block code.
>> Can you create a bug report for this? I do not know this part of the
>> code at all well.
>> Riki
> I could update the MWE to include what I discovered about other margin
> choices, but to be honest I'm not sure how much if any of this is a
> bug and how much is an ID10T error. :-)

It does not look right to me at all.


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