On 10/24/18 7:36 AM, Daniel wrote:
> On 24/10/2018 12:20, Daniel wrote:
>> On 24/10/2018 11:40, Daniel wrote:
>>> On 23/10/2018 18:37, Daniel wrote:
>>>> On 23/10/2018 11:21, Daniel wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>> One thing I couldn't try out is the Advanced Search & Replace
>>>>> dialog when docked to the top or bottom. I remember that this is
>>>>> possible, for example, on MacOS but it seems not to be on Windows.
>>>>> So, it would be great if someone could test what it looks like
>>>>> when docked to the top.[...]
>>>> This was apparently due to a bug in Qt 5.11.2. Docking works fine
>>>> in Windows with Qt 5.9.7. Top/bottom docked looks a bit ugly (as it
>>>> used to). I'll try to fix it.
>>> New patch attached. Also a screen capture as an example of how I
>>> changed things.
>>> Two things I noticed:
>>> - The Quick Find & Replace dialog had a variable height but there
>>> were no elements in it that would need a variable height so I fixed
>>> it. But maybe there is a specific reason for not having dialogs with
>>> fixed sizes in general?
>>> - There is something strange going on with the size of the Advanced
>>> Find and Replace Widget.
>>> When docked to the top (or docked to the top and then undocked) its
>>> minimum height is the minimum height it has when docked to the side.
>>> But since the box layout is switched from horizontal to vertical
>>> this makes no sense.
>>> And also when the widget is first called it is on the side and can
>>> be made rather narrow. But once it has been docked to the top and
>>> back to the side it cannot be as narrow any more since it is
>>> restricted to the minimum width as if it were docked to the top (or
>>> docked to the top and undocked).
>>> Is this a known problem?
>> Sorry, I saw another dialog (Compare) for improvement on my way out.
>> Patched in the attachment. Screen captures attached as well.
> Didn't know that the last open tab in the Creator becomes the
> default... fixed version attached.

I had a look through this. Unfortunately, these *.ui patches are
basically impossible to read. There are too many changes shown, and I
anyway can't tell what the effect is likely to be. So the only thing we
can do is commit and test. I think it's too late for 2.3.2, but we can
commit as soon as 2.3.x is open.

Unfortunately, the patch does not apply to master. That's not terribly
surprising, because of how the *.ui changes work. (You really only
change a few things, but the file actually changes quite a lot.) So
we'll need to redo it, in effect, for there. That could be committed
right now, though.


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