On 10/27/18 1:43 PM, Daniel wrote:
> On 27/10/2018 19:33, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> On 10/24/18 7:36 AM, Daniel wrote:
>>> On 24/10/2018 12:20, Daniel wrote:
>>>> On 24/10/2018 11:40, Daniel wrote:
>>>>> On 23/10/2018 18:37, Daniel wrote:
>>>>>> On 23/10/2018 11:21, Daniel wrote:
>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>> One thing I couldn't try out is the Advanced Search & Replace
>>>>>>> dialog when docked to the top or bottom. I remember that this is
>>>>>>> possible, for example, on MacOS but it seems not to be on Windows.
>>>>>>> So, it would be great if someone could test what it looks like
>>>>>>> when docked to the top.[...]
>>>>>> This was apparently due to a bug in Qt 5.11.2. Docking works fine
>>>>>> in Windows with Qt 5.9.7. Top/bottom docked looks a bit ugly (as it
>>>>>> used to). I'll try to fix it.
>>>>> New patch attached. Also a screen capture as an example of how I
>>>>> changed things.
>>>>> Two things I noticed:
>>>>> - The Quick Find & Replace dialog had a variable height but there
>>>>> were no elements in it that would need a variable height so I fixed
>>>>> it. But maybe there is a specific reason for not having dialogs with
>>>>> fixed sizes in general?
>>>>> - There is something strange going on with the size of the Advanced
>>>>> Find and Replace Widget.
>>>>> When docked to the top (or docked to the top and then undocked) its
>>>>> minimum height is the minimum height it has when docked to the side.
>>>>> But since the box layout is switched from horizontal to vertical
>>>>> this makes no sense.
>>>>> And also when the widget is first called it is on the side and can
>>>>> be made rather narrow. But once it has been docked to the top and
>>>>> back to the side it cannot be as narrow any more since it is
>>>>> restricted to the minimum width as if it were docked to the top (or
>>>>> docked to the top and undocked).
>>>>> Is this a known problem?
>>>> Sorry, I saw another dialog (Compare) for improvement on my way out.
>>>> Patched in the attachment. Screen captures attached as well.
>>> Didn't know that the last open tab in the Creator becomes the
>>> default... fixed version attached.
>> I had a look through this. Unfortunately, these *.ui patches are
>> basically impossible to read. There are too many changes shown, and I
>> anyway can't tell what the effect is likely to be. So the only thing we
>> can do is commit and test. I think it's too late for 2.3.2, but we can
>> commit as soon as 2.3.x is open.
>> Unfortunately, the patch does not apply to master. That's not terribly
>> surprising, because of how the *.ui changes work. (You really only
>> change a few things, but the file actually changes quite a lot.) So
>> we'll need to redo it, in effect, for there. That could be committed
>> right now, though.
>> Riki
> Thanks for taking a look. Yes, there were quite some changes that
> seemed reasonable to me. I hope they are rather safe but I have only
> tested them on Win10.
> I guess the problem of porting goes both ways, right? So, a patch for
> master would also be hard to apply to 2.3.x? 

When there are changes to *.ui files, yes, I expect so. Usually changes
to *.cpp files and the like port easily, or can be easily fixed.

> I could just redo all the changes for a new patch. There were quite a
> few but I think I'd be quickly done.


> By the way, is there a point in creating separate patches, i.e. one
> for each dialog?

It wouldn't hurt. It would at least make it easier to find problems, if
any arise.


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