Dear Sir or Madam,

I am facing a problem while using Lyx and LaTeX source code within on
figure environment. I have added a minimum working example giving me the
error message, shown at the end of my email. The working example is
devided in two sections.

Section 1 works fine. There, I am loading the two pictures, where
separate figure environments are put after  \if  \else.

In section2 I am trying to load the very same pictures. There, I need to
switch the pictures within one figure environment, because for both I
want to use the same caption and labels. Only the picture should be
switched, depending on the selected \if-condition.

I am not sure, whether it is a bug or a feature. But the TeX source code
for opening the picture via \includegraphics, is completely the same. So
it is very hard to find the issue.

I have also tried to use *.pdf pictures. But there I am getting the same
error message.

I also tried using  \includesvg instead of using \includegraphics, but
there I got the same error message.

So any help in solving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank
you in advance.

With kind regards,


Here is the error message, but section 1 on the example prooves, that
the pictures can be found and loaded correctly:


LaTeX Warning: File `"Pictures/Testbild-02 de".svg' not found on input
line 64.

! Unable to load picture or PDF file 'Pictures/Testbild-02'.
<to be read again>
l.64 ...tring"Pictures/Testbild-02 de\string".svg}

The requested image couldn't be read because
it was not a recognized image format.

File: "Pictures/Testbild-02 de".svg Graphic file (type QTm)
<use  ""Pictures/Testbild-02 de".svg" >
! Unable to load picture or PDF file 'Pictures/Testbild-02'.
<to be read again>
l.64 ...tring"Pictures/Testbild-02 de\string".svg}

The requested image couldn't be read because
it was not a recognized image format.


Attachment: Working_example.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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