Am Dienstag, den 04.02.2020, 17:02 +0100 schrieb Glen Guhr:
> Section 1 works fine. There, I am loading the two pictures, where
> separate figure environments are put after  \if  \else.
> In section2 I am trying to load the very same pictures. There, I need
> to
> switch the pictures within one figure environment, because for both I
> want to use the same caption and labels. Only the picture should be
> switched, depending on the selected \if-condition.

The problem probably is that you use relative paths in ERT (whereas the
file is processed in a temporary directory).

Why not use real graphic insets as in the attached modified example?


Attachment: Working_example.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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