Am 04.02.2020 um 20:54 schrieb mn <>:
> On 04.02.20 18:11, Stephan Witt wrote:
>> Anyway, the English version doesn’t work for me too.
>> I'm facing a strange error:
>> ==========
>>  LaTeX Error: File `footnotehyper.sty' not found.
>> Enter file name:
>> ! Emergency stop.
>> <read *>
>> l.36 \usepackage
>>                {amsmath}^^M
>> *** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)
>> ==========
>> Perhaps my LaTeX installation is outdated.
>> Is anyone able to reproduce the problems with Linux?
> It compiles OKish.
> But spews a lot of warnings regarding compatibility, mainly KOMA-related?
> Alternatively, just try this:
> (2.3.3)
> open in Preview or Skim.

No problem here with Preview or Skim.
"The LYX User’s Guide
by the LYX Team∗ Version 2.2.x
April 20, 2017"
Preview Version 10.1 (944.6.16.1)
Skim Version 1.4.7 (81)


> No display.
> Open in Preview and export as PDF. Works (losing bookmarks etc)
> mn
> -- 
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