On 05.02.20 00:22, Stephan Witt wrote:

>> Alternatively, just try this:
>> http://ftp.lyx.de/Documentation/en/UserGuide.pdf (2.3.3)
>> open in Preview or Skim.
> No problem here with Preview or Skim.
> "The LYX User’s Guide
> by the LYX Team∗ Version 2.2.x
> April 20, 2017"
> Preview Version 10.1 (944.6.16.1)
> Skim Version 1.4.7 (81)

So you're on Mojave?

OS 10.12, Preview 9.0 (909.18), Skim 1.5.6 (122)

produces the error here.
Can't test with High Sierra.

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