Le 14/01/2021 à 05:34, Doug Martin a écrit :
JMarc and all,

Tom and I use knitr extensively for R code chunks, and we mostly use kable with kableExtra to make tables. The input to kable are R data frames, or data.tables, which are the result of model fitting and related calculations. But we like to put mathematical expressions in selected cells of tables, which is so easy with LYX tables, and we currently have to make the data entry into LYX by hand from data tables and data.tables in order to make use of that feature. So it would be great if we could import R data tables and data.tables into LYX tables, rather than using the kable/kableExtra solution for our tables  (maybe I didn't make that clear in my earlier email).  Then we would probably would drop use of

So you want to import as .tex the result of R processing. This can be done via "Paste from LaTeX". What would be missing for your intended usage?

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