On 1/24/21 1:50 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
On 1/24/21 1:32 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
On 1/24/21 12:36 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
Over on lyx-users, we got a question that uncovered the fact that these
names are not very descriptive. (The user had used Page Break and gotten
surprising results: a very stretched Table of Contents.) The line breaks
have more descriptive names. Is there something else we could use for
Page Break that would indicate what it does? Something like "Page Break
(Stretch Page)" would work, but is kind of long....


I'm no texpert, but I don't think page break (\newpage)
The difference here is between \newpage, which is what New Page gives
you, and \pagebreak, which is what Page Break gives you.

necessarily "stretches" the page in the sense of the problem raised on
the user list.
Both our user guide, section 3.5.5, and this page:


say that \pagebreak stretches the page, though it does not always seem
to do so.


Gotcha. So \pagebreak /may/ stretch the page and \newpage will not (hopefully). If the menus in LyX included tool tips, this would be the time to use them. Cramming that info into the menu text strikes me as difficult to do. I don't know if tool tips have ever been discusses. To me, almost all of the menu entries are sufficiently self-explanatory, so I've never really missed tool tips. There are a few, though, that would benefit from them (and maybe a few more that would help new users but would be of no value to seasoned veterans).


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