Le 25/01/2021 à 09:58, Jean-Pierre Chrétien a écrit :
Le 24/01/2021 à 18:36, Richard Kimberly Heck a écrit :
Over on lyx-users, we got a question that uncovered the fact that these
names are not very descriptive. (The user had used Page Break and gotten
surprising results: a very stretched Table of Contents.) The line breaks
have more descriptive names. Is there something else we could use for
Page Break that would indicate what it does? Something like "Page Break
(Stretch Page)" would work, but is kind of long....

Right, I have had for a long time translations which use adequate French typographical expressions

Page Break        as Saut de page (fer en haut)
New Page          as Saut de page (justifié)
Clear Page        as Saut de page (vide le tampon)
Clear Double Page as Saut de page impaire

But the problem with "adequate French typographical expressions" is that I can never figure out what "fer en haut" might mean.

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