This is a duplicate of a question already asked in the user forum. Riki 
recommended to post it in the developer forum.


Operating system: macOS 11.3 Beta (20E5196f)

I have been struggling with this problem for a few days now. Last week my 
homebrew installation quietly updated Qt to v6 (brew upgrade). Since then I 
can't compile LyX anymore. Unfortunately I learned about the "brew pin" command 
too late.

When running .\configure I get the error message: "configure: error: cannot 
compile a simple Qt executable. Check you have the right $QTDIR."

I tried to set $QTDIR to the following directories:


I also tried to downgrade to Qt5, but this also did not solve the problem. I 
have noticed that Qt5 is not installed in the folder "qt" anymore (this is now 
the place, where Qt6 is installed), but in a folder with the name "qt@5".

I also deleted my local repository and started from scratch. Also no success.

I appreciate any recommendation what to do.

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