Am Tue, 18 May 2021 08:52:03 +0200
schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller <>:

> Am Freitag, dem 14.05.2021 um 19:00 +0200 schrieb Christoph Schmitz:
> > Attached is an updated German translation of the LyX User Guide.  
> Thanks. Looks good in general. I have corrected some things and
> committed:
> * Paths to images need to be relative, not absolute
> * Some German text was still marked English
> * Very few wording changes

Explicit search for English text shows also

        'Letzte Einstellungen anwenden'
        'displaymath mathlines'           (here only the space is English)

Interestingly the info-inserts for shortcuts are also marked English even with
non-English UI.
For instance
        'Die Verwendung von [Alt+M N]'

> > I have not yet understood how to make my update public for review.
> > Can somebody tell me what to do or where I find more information. The
> > LyX translation website does not answer this question.  
> I think positing it here is the best way.
> Best
> Jürgen


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