On Tue, May 03, 2022 at 11:19:16AM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> Sorry for disappearing there for a while. I had some difficult personal
> circumstances and an incredibly busy semester and just had to withdraw from
> everything else until things settled down. Which they now have.

I'm happy you recovered and see you on the list again!
> Where are things with respect to LyX 2.4.0? I'm happy to resume my role as
> release manager for that project, if that's still required.

I believe so.

As others noted it might be best to just quickly release alpha 4 without
much damage control, and sort out the issues raised before/meanwhile for beta 1.

Per your own request I prepared list of bugs for the transitions
and I recommend that others add to the list their own issues.

For the ghostcript issue I think I found the solution already but requested
some python help from Jose and will ping him again now :)

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