Attached is a patch creating a Math Toolbar. I'm posting it, rather than 
commiting it to the repository because I discovered what I think are a couple 
of bugs in WorkArea and in ToolbarDefaults, but am not very familiar with the 
code, so think I should seek a second opinion...

WorkArea's (width, height, xpos, ypos) returned the dimensions of something 
in between the work_area FL_OBJECT and the entire space taken up by WorkArea. 
I think that this is wrong and have changed them to return the dimensions of 
the entire WorkArea. As the only places these methods are called are in the 
new LyXView::showMathToolbar, hideMathToolbar methods, I think I'm safe, 

ToolbarDefaults::read had a final call that buggered up the 
reading of subsequent Toolbar definitions. Removing it fixed the bug.

Other than thses points, the patch is pretty straight forward. It shows, 
hides a Math Toolbar when the cursor enters, leaves an InsetFormula and 
resizes the WorkArea appropriately. The Tolbar currently contains only a sqrt 
and a frac, but the functionality is there. 

Note that there's a bug in the mathed stuf that means that the new sqrt, frac 
are displayed only by scrolling the InsetFormula out of sight and back again. 
I think that this is the bug reported earlier by Dekel.



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