Juergen, is this fixed now?


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Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 16:26:50 +0200
Subject: Feedback from www.lyx.org

Stéphane Bernaud ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) entered the 
following feedback message on the LyX home page:

This is a bug report. 

It occurs with the rpm version 1.1.6 fix 1 of Lyx.

When I try to use a table with the "p" colomn attribute, the width I enter 
in the box is ignored (I mean, it won't reappear when I'll open the box
 again)if I don't give the focus to another control in the
box, and worst, it is ignored as a parameter of the colomn, generating 
many errors, as the sample of the Latex export shows below :

{\centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|p|}

the p should have a width attribute of 5 cm. 

It looks like a lack of testing... 

Nice job for the rest, even if I feel that Lyx could be more abstracted
from Latex stuff. For example, why user have to know that Latex deep parameter
: put a "p" in the field in the dialog box rather than just clic "fixed
size colomn" ?

Stéphane Bernaud.

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