On 7/28/23 04:21, Pavel Sanda wrote:
On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 11:26:09PM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
I'd like to add the BufferParam needed for #10049 even though I don't have
Your call, though reading through the bug it seems to me that at this stage 
even the concept is not entirely clear and thus the tentative changes to  
BufferParams might be wrong/void in the end...

That might be right.

#12577 - complex code to improve source editor within LyX; only JMarc tried
to understand and failed; anyone wants to engage?
This is too big for 2.4.0. I've retargeted to 2.4.1. But I'm not really sure 
about it. I'll have a look at it between now and then.
For this particular case I think the question whether we *want* feature. In 
other words do we want to guarantee support and bugfixing the code we don't 
understand ourselves? :)

Yes, I think that question has been raised before: Is it worth it essentially to embed a code editor in LyX when we can edit externally now? I hate not to use something that so much work went into, but this is a good example of why it's bad to code first and design second.

There is more generic question here though. I see that you flagged bunch of 
bugs with *finished* patches (e.g. #12797) as for 2.4.1/2 and I would argue 
that it's better to commit them now for the following reasons:

- even if we release RC1 today we still have months for the testing because 
there is no way translations can not be done in two weeks or so

- if the bugs should bite us, better they bite us now. Ppl are more ready to 
accept breakage with 2.4.0(/RC) than in later phases.

That sounds reasonable. I'll go back through those again.

We need to freeze, then remerge strings and notify translators. I can handle 
the review of layouttranslation for 2.4.  Riki, do you have preference when to 
proceed? Before RC release or after?  Remerge should be committed by you, 
otherwise we'll spend megabytes in large commits due to different outputs of 
different polib versions (tested).
What did we do last time? Scott, do you remember? I guess my instinct 
wouldcoding before designing. be to get translations into RC1, since that's one 
thing we'd want to have checked.
I don't think it matters that much, we just need to agree on something.

Given what you said, and what Scott said, I'm inclined then to freeze strings shortly and do another release immediately thereafter, planning on one more pre-release once translations have been done, to be followed pretty quickly by actual release.


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