Experimenting with LyX 2.4 RC4... Specifically, I'm testing whether there is 
Unicode support.

  *   I have successfully pasted in a Unicode character from VSCode into a LyX 
2.4 RC4 document, so this seems to work:


Here, the first symbol is produced in VSCode using "\frakm + TAB", and then 
pasted into a LyX text line.  The second occurrence (slightly different in 
form) is produced as in-line math "\mathfrak{m}".

I can also decorate this symbol with a dot on top, "\frakm + TAB \dot + TAB" in 
VSCode. When I paste this symbol into LyX, the dot on top of "\frakm + TAB" is 
somewhat skewed to the right.

OK - so Unicode in LyX seems to work. It also works if I preview the document 
as a PDF file.


Next, I try to use Unicode in listings. That does not work at the moment... 
Here is what I do:

  *   Insert/Program Listing
  *   I paste the "\frakm + TAB" symbol from VSCode into this box.
  *   This gives a paste error message:


  *   I then go to Document/Settings/Listings, and change Syntax Highlighting 
Package to *minted*, which provides a message:


I don't understand this message...

  *   I'm on Windows, and the documentation says that Pygments driver is 
installed by default (??). Anyways, reading this warning...
  *   Where am I supposed to place command "\AtBeginDocument{...}"?? Are we 
talking about putting this command in the Document/Settings/LaTeX Preamble 
window??? Or should I open the LyX document in an ASCII editor and add the 
line... somewhere?
  *   What is the "driver command", i.e., the string I'm supposed to insert 
instead of `driver`? Is it simply `pygmentize`??

  *   Anyways, for now I just neglect this command, and go to 
Tools/Preferences/File Handling/Converters, and scroll down to


Here I have changed Converter from `pdflatex $$i` to what is shown above.

When I go back to the document and insert a listing, and then paste the Unicode 
symbol into the listing, I get the same error message with paste error as shown 
at the top of this e-mail.


So - I'm stuck. The only possible reason for the problem now are:

  *   I need to find the correct place to insert the string 
"\AtBeginDocument..." string with the correct `driver` (whatever that is), and 
live with the warning of mint & `-shell-escape` causing a security risk. 
Perhaps this will solve the problem.
  *   Or: it is not possible to use Unicode characters in LyX 2.4 listings.

Any suggestions?


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