
were you able to reproduce that crash at the end?


On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 10:45:58AM +1100, Robert Betz wrote:
> Stephan,
> I have attached a Lyx file and associated template and layout files. This is
> a much smaller example. After experimenting, it seems to fail sometimes, and
> not others. One can make a seeminglyinnocuous change and it will ether fail
> consistently on SVN update, or it will work consistently.
> Hope these files help track done the issue.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Bob
> Robert Betz
> E:
> M: 0419249948
> Stephan Witt wrote on 19/2/2024 5:36???pm:
> >Am 19.02.2024 um 05:17 schrieb Robert Betz <>:
> >>I am currently using Lyx 2.4.0 RC3 on MAC OSX V14.2.1 (Sonoma) and if I try 
> >>and check in a Lyx document to an SVN repository Lyx crashes. Using the 
> >>same SVN version under Lyx V2.3.7 is OK.
> >>
> >>The Lyx crash log is:
> >>
> >>(  1) 1   lyx                                 0x00000001028e85c3 
> >>_ZN3lyx8frontend5Alert7doErrorERKNSt3__112basic_stringIwNS2_11char_traitsIwEENS2_9allocatorIwEEEESA_b
> >> : 1   lyx                                 0x00000001028e85c3 
> >>_ZN3lyx8frontend5Alert7doErrorERKNSt3__112basic_stringIwNS2_11char_traitsIwEENS2_9allocatorIwEEEESA_b
> >> + 199
> >>(  2) 2   lyx                                 0x00000001028e893c 
> >>_ZN3lyx8frontend5Alert5errorERKNSt3__112basic_stringIwNS2_11char_traitsIwEENS2_9allocatorIwEEEESA_b
> >> : 2   lyx                                 0x00000001028e893c 
> >>_ZN3lyx8frontend5Alert5errorERKNSt3__112basic_stringIwNS2_11char_traitsIwEENS2_9allocatorIwEEEESA_b
> >> + 139
> >>(  3) 3   lyx                                 0x00000001025edeff 
> >>_ZN3lyxL13error_handlerEi : 3   lyx                                 
> >>0x00000001025edeff _ZN3lyxL13error_handlerEi + 350
> >>(  4) 4   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007ff8065d237d _sigtramp 
> >>: 4   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007ff8065d237d _sigtramp + 29
> >>(  5) 5   ???                                 0x00007ff7bda4486e 0x0 : 5   
> >>???                                 0x00007ff7bda4486e 0x0 + 140702015309934
> >>(  6) 6   lyx                                 0x0000000102717774 
> >>_ZNK3lyx13InsetMathGrid4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii : 6   lyx                 
> >>                0x0000000102717774 
> >>_ZNK3lyx13InsetMathGrid4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii + 168
> >>...
> >>
> >>Regards,
> >>
> >>Bob
> >Hi Bob,
> >
> >thank you for testing the RC3 version.
> >
> >I tried to reproduce the crash but I failed. I suppose it happens for some 
> >documents only, i.e. for documents containing some MathGrid element.
> >
> >Is the crash reproducible for you or is it spurious? Is it possible to 
> >provide a MWE document?
> >
> >BR, Stephan

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> \end_layout
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> \begin_inset Note Note
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> \begin_layout Plain Layout
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> \end_inset
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> \end_inset
> \end_layout
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> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
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> \end_layout
> \end_inset
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> \newcommand{\q}[1]{Q_{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
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> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
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> \end_layout
> \end_inset
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> \newcommand{\pt}{P_{3\phi}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
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> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\qt}{Q_{3\phi}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> ====================================
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> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
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> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
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> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\mv}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
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> ====================================
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> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
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> \begin_layout Plain Layout
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> \end_inset
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> \newcommand{\sv}[3]{\underline{#1}_{#2}^{#3}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Conjugated space vector
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\csv}[2]{\underline{#1}_{#2}^{\ast}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector stator value in stationary reference frame referred to the
>  stator.
>  In its natural reference frame therefore there is no double subscript.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svss}[1]{\underline{#1}_{s}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector of rotor value in a stationary reference frame referred to
>  the stator.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrs}[1]{\underline{#1}_{rs}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector of a stator values in a rotating reference frame referred to
>  the stator.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svsr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{sr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector of rotor value in a rotating reference frame referred to the
>  ??? I.E.
>  NOT IN ITS NATURAL REFERENCE FRAME!!!! Hence the double subscript.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{rr}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define a space vector of a rotor value in its natural rotor reference frame.
>  The natural reference frame for the rotor is the rotor itself.
>  Therefore these quantities are represented with respect to a reference
>  frame rotating at 
> \begin_inset Formula $\omega_{r}$
> \end_inset
>  with respect to a stationary reference frame.
>  Note that the value is referred to the rotor ??? i.e.
>  essentially an unreferred rotor value
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{r}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define space vector of a magnetising quantity relative to the stationary
>  reference frame and referred to the stator ??? for example, 
> \backslash
> svms{i} = (
> \backslash
> svss{i} + 
> \backslash
> svrs{i})L_m
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svms}[1]{\underline{#1}_{ms}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define space vector of a magnetising quantity relative to the rotating 
> reference
>  frame referred to the stator ??? for example, 
> \backslash
> svmr{i} = (
> \backslash
> svsr{i} + 
> \backslash
> svrr{i})L_m
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svmr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{mr}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the space vector of the stator magnetising vector in a stationary
>  reference frame ??? vector could be the stator magnetising current, or the
>  stator magnetising flux.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svsms}[1]{\underline{#1}_{sms}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the space vector of the stator magnetising vector in a rotating 
> reference
>  frame ??? vector could be the stator magnetising current, or the stator 
> magnetisi
> ng flux.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svsmr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{smr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the space vector of the rotor magnetising vector in a rotating 
> reference
>  frame referred to the stator ??? vector could be the rotor magnetising 
> current,
>  or the rotor magnetising flux.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrmr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{rmr}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the hatted version of the space vector immediately above this.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrmrh}[1]{\underline{\hat{#1}}_{rmr}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the space vector of the rotor magnetising vector in a stationary
>  reference frame referred to the stator ??? vector could be the rotor 
> magnetising
>  current, or the rotor magnetising flux.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrms}[1]{\underline{#1}_{rms}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the hatted version of the previous space vector
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrmsh}[1]{\underline{\hat{#1}}_{rms}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define a general hatted space vector ??? i.e.
>  a user defined hatted space vector.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svh}[2]{\underline{\hat{#1}}_{#2}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define magnitude of a user defined space vector ??? this magnitude allows
>  one to build and arbitrary space vector.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svm}[2]{|\underline{#1}_{#2}|}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define magnitude of user defined hatted space vector
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svmh}[2]{|\underline{\hat{#1}}_{#2}|}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the magnitude of one of the existing space vector definitions above.
>  One can use an existing definition as the parameter.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\msv}[1]{|#1|}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> A Separate notation is used for powers derived from the space vectors because
>  space vector powers have an instantaneous aspect to their behaviour ??? i.e.
>  they are not based on rms and simusoidal approximations as are the powers
>  defined for the phasor expressions.
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Please note that these powers are in themselves not space vectors ??? they
>  are simply derived from space vector expressions.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector complex power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svS}[1]{\underline{s}_{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> % Space vector real power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svP}[1]{p_{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector imaginary power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svQ}[1]{q_{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> ==================
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> There are four quantities represented here - ds qs for the stationary frame
>  orthogonal components of some variable, and the dr and qr components for
>  the rotating frame orthogonal components of a variable.
>  There are two parameters passed ??? the first if the variable type ??? i.e i
>  for current, 
> \begin_inset Formula $\psi$
> \end_inset
>  for flux, and the second parameter is a qualifier for the variable.
>  For example, if one wants the rotor magnetising vector ds axis component
>  then the variable is 
> \backslash
> ds{i}{rm} which would give i_{rmds} for the variable.
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> NOTE: if one wishes to refer a rotor variable to the stator then the prime
>  has to be manually added.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> The ds component of a variable
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\ds}[2]{#1_{#2ds}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Hatted version
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\dsh}[2]{\hat{#1}_{#2ds}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> The qs component of a variable
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\qs}[2]{#1_{#2qs}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Hatted version
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\qsh}[2]{\hat{#1}_{#2qs}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> The dr component of a variable
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\dr}[2]{#1_{#2dr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Hatted version
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\drh}[2]{\hat{#1}_{#2dr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> The qr component of a variable
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\qr}[2]{#1_{#2qr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Hatted version
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\qrh}[2]{\hat{#1}_{#2qr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> For roman maths
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\mrm}[1]{\mathrm{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Sans serif fonts for text use in Maths.
>  Used in Beamer presentations.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\msf}[1]{\mathsf{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Used for matrices
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\mx}[3]{\mathbf{#1}_{#2}^{#3}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Short hand go 
> \backslash
> times
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\*}{\times}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Shortcut for 
> \backslash
> rightarrow
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\ra}{\rightarrow}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Shortcut for 
> \backslash
> therefore
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\tf}{\therefore}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Shortcut for 
> \backslash
> triangleq or defined as
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\da}{\triangleq}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Section
> Introduction
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> This is the first section.
> \end_layout
> \end_body
> \end_document

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> \svnRegisterAuthor{mfu}{M. Fu}
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> \begin_layout Title
> Put Title Here
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> status collapsed
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> SVN Version:
> \begin_inset ERT
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> svnrev
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset Newline newline
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> Modified on:
> \begin_inset ERT
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> svndate
> \end_layout
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> \begin_inset Newline newline
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> Last modified by:
> \begin_inset ERT
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> protect
> \backslash
> svnFullAuthor{
> \backslash
> svnauthor}
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Author
> Author
> \begin_inset Newline newline
> \end_inset
> Affiliation
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Date
> March 25,
>  2008
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Can use 
> \backslash
> RCSDate or 
> \backslash
> RCSRevision if CVS is used as the version control system.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> MathMacro Branch follows ??? activate if macros required.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Branch MathMacros
> inverted 0
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Phasor
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\ph}[2]{\vec{\mathbf{#1}}_{\mathrm{#2}}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Phasor magnitude
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\phm}[2]{\hat{\mathbf{#1}}_{\mathrm{#2}}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Complex impedance
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\imp}[2]{\mathbf{#1}_{\mathrm{#2}}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Conjugate phasor
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\cph}[2]{\vec{\mathbf{#1}}_{\mathrm{#2}}^{\ast}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> rms operator
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\rms}[2]{\hat{#1}_{\mathrm{#2}}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Complex power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\cpwr}[1]{\vec{\mathbf{S}}_{\mathrm{#1}}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Single phase average real power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\p}[1]{P_{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Single phase reactive power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\q}[1]{Q_{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Three phase real power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\pt}{P_{3\phi}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Three phase reactive power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\qt}{Q_{3\phi}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> ====================================
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Matrix variable
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\mv}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> ====================================
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\sv}[3]{\underline{#1}_{#2}^{#3}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Conjugated space vector
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\csv}[2]{\underline{#1}_{#2}^{\ast}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector stator value in stationary reference frame referred to the 
> stator.
>  In its natural reference frame therefore there is no double subscript.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svss}[1]{\underline{#1}_{s}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector of rotor value in a stationary reference frame referred to the 
> stator.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrs}[1]{\underline{#1}_{rs}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector of a stator values in a rotating reference frame referred to the 
> stator.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svsr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{sr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector of rotor value in a rotating reference frame referred to the 
> ??? I.E.
>  Hence the double subscript.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{rr}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define a space vector of a rotor value in its natural rotor reference frame.
>  The natural reference frame for the rotor is the rotor itself.
>  Therefore these quantities are represented with respect to a reference frame 
> rotating at 
> \begin_inset Formula $\omega_{r}$
> \end_inset
>  with respect to a stationary reference frame.
>  Note that the value is referred to the rotor ??? i.e.
>  essentially an unreferred rotor value
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{r}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define space vector of a magnetising quantity relative to the stationary 
> reference frame and referred to the stator ??? for example,
> \backslash
> svms{i} = (
> \backslash
> svss{i} + 
> \backslash
> svrs{i})L_m
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svms}[1]{\underline{#1}_{ms}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define space vector of a magnetising quantity relative to the rotating 
> reference frame referred to the stator ??? for example,
> \backslash
> svmr{i} = (
> \backslash
> svsr{i} + 
> \backslash
> svrr{i})L_m
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svmr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{mr}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the space vector of the stator magnetising vector in a stationary 
> reference frame ??? vector could be the stator magnetising current,
>  or the stator magnetising flux.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svsms}[1]{\underline{#1}_{sms}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the space vector of the stator magnetising vector in a rotating 
> reference frame ??? vector could be the stator magnetising current,
>  or the stator magnetising flux.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svsmr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{smr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the space vector of the rotor magnetising vector in a rotating 
> reference frame referred to the stator ??? vector could be the rotor 
> magnetising current,
>  or the rotor magnetising flux.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrmr}[1]{\underline{#1}_{rmr}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the hatted version of the space vector immediately above this.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrmrh}[1]{\underline{\hat{#1}}_{rmr}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the space vector of the rotor magnetising vector in a stationary 
> reference frame referred to the stator ??? vector could be the rotor 
> magnetising current,
>  or the rotor magnetising flux.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrms}[1]{\underline{#1}_{rms}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the hatted version of the previous space vector
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svrmsh}[1]{\underline{\hat{#1}}_{rms}^{\prime}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define a general hatted space vector ??? i.e.
>  a user defined hatted space vector.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svh}[2]{\underline{\hat{#1}}_{#2}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define magnitude of a user defined space vector ??? this magnitude allows one 
> to build and arbitrary space vector.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svm}[2]{|\underline{#1}_{#2}|}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define magnitude of user defined hatted space vector
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svmh}[2]{|\underline{\hat{#1}}_{#2}|}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Define the magnitude of one of the existing space vector definitions above.
>  One can use an existing definition as the parameter.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\msv}[1]{|#1|}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> A Separate notation is used for powers derived from the space vectors because 
> space vector powers have an instantaneous aspect to their behaviour ??? i.e.
>  they are not based on rms and simusoidal approximations as are the powers 
> defined for the phasor expressions.
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Please note that these powers are in themselves not space vectors ??? they 
> are simply derived from space vector expressions.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector complex power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svS}[1]{\underline{s}_{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> % Space vector real power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svP}[1]{p_{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Space vector imaginary power
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\svQ}[1]{q_{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> ==================
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> There are four quantities represented here - ds qs for the stationary frame 
> orthogonal components of some variable,
>  and the dr and qr components for the rotating frame orthogonal components of 
> a variable.
>  There are two parameters passed ??? the first if the variable type ??? i.e i 
> for current,
> \begin_inset Formula $\psi$
> \end_inset
>  for flux,
>  and the second parameter is a qualifier for the variable.
>  For example,
>  if one wants the rotor magnetising vector ds axis component then the 
> variable is 
> \backslash
> ds{i}{rm} which would give i_{rmds} for the variable.
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>  if one wishes to refer a rotor variable to the stator then the prime has to 
> be manually added.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> The ds component of a variable
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\ds}[2]{#1_{#2ds}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Hatted version
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\dsh}[2]{\hat{#1}_{#2ds}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> The qs component of a variable
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\qs}[2]{#1_{#2qs}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Hatted version
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\qsh}[2]{\hat{#1}_{#2qs}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> The dr component of a variable
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\dr}[2]{#1_{#2dr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Hatted version
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\drh}[2]{\hat{#1}_{#2dr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> The qr component of a variable
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\qr}[2]{#1_{#2qr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Hatted version
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\qrh}[2]{\hat{#1}_{#2qr}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> For roman maths
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\mrm}[1]{\mathrm{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Sans serif fonts for text use in Maths.
>  Used in Beamer presentations.
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\msf}[1]{\mathsf{#1}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Used for matrices
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\mx}[3]{\mathbf{#1}_{#2}^{#3}}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Short hand go 
> \backslash
> times
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\*}{\times}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status collapsed
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Shortcut for 
> \backslash
> rightarrow
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\ra}{\rightarrow}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Shortcut for 
> \backslash
> therefore
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\tf}{\therefore}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Note Note
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> Shortcut for 
> \backslash
> triangleq or defined as
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset FormulaMacro
> \newcommand{\da}{\triangleq}
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Section
> Introduction
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> This is the first section.
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Itemize
> Torque estimation using
> \begin_inset Formula 
> \begin{equation}
> \hat{\tau}_{e}=\sum_{n=0}^{21}\frac{i_{n+1}e_{(\mrm{mod}(n,11)+1)}}{\omega_{r}}
> \end{equation}
> \end_inset
> which accounts for the fact that the 
> \begin_inset Formula $e_{12,13,\cdots,22}=e_{1,2,\cdots,11}$
> \end_inset
>  and the actual currents in the windings are used.
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Remark
> The SVN problem seems to be inconsistent.
>  This file was failing under an SVN commit.
>  I then took the above bulleted expression and out and it did not crash.
>  I then put the expression back in,
>  and if did not crash.
>  Don't know exactly what is going on here.
>  After making the above a bulleted item again it then proceeded to crash on 
> SVN commit.
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Separator plain
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \align center
> \begin_inset Float table
> placement document
> alignment document
> wide false
> sideways false
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \align center
> \begin_inset Tabular
> <lyxtabular version="3" rows="33" columns="5">
> <features tabularvalignment="middle">
> <column alignment="center" valignment="top" width="1.5cm">
> <column alignment="center" valignment="top" width="2.7cm">
> <column alignment="center" valignment="top" width="2.7cm">
> <column alignment="center" valignment="top" width="2.7cm">
> <column alignment="center" valignment="top" width="2.7cm">
> <row>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" bottomline="true" rightline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" 
> leftline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> \size small
> Rx Data Code (Top 4bits)
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> States
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" 
> leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> \size small
> Rx Data Meaning
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> \size small
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" 
> leftline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> \size small
> Tx Data Code (Bot 4bits)
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> States
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" 
> leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> \size small
> Tx Data Meaning
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \series bold
> \size small
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> </row>
> <row>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> 0x0 (S1-8)
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> Dummy Data;
>  Dummy Data
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> 0x0 (S1-6)
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> Dummy Data;
>  Dummy Data
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> </row>
> <row>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \begin_inset ERT
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> rowcolor{lightgray}
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \series bold
> \size small
> Data
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> \color black
> uin8[7-4]
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> \color black
> uin32t;
>  uin32t
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> \color black
> uin8[3-0]
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> \color black
> uin32t;
>  uin32t
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> </row>
> <row>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> 0x1 (S6-7)
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> Cur Samp;
>  Top Cap Volt
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> 0x1 (S7)
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> Cur or Volts Ref;
> \begin_inset Formula $\theta$
> \end_inset
> ,
>  Freq or BEMF
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> </row>
> <row>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \begin_inset ERT
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> rowcolor{lightgray}
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \series bold
> \size small
> Data
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> \color black
> uin8[7-4]
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> \color black
> Float32;
>  Float32
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> \color black
> uin8[3-0]
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> \color black
> Float32;
>  Float32
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> </row>
> <row>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
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> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> 0x2 (S6-7)
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> Cur Samp;
>  Bot Cap Volt
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> 0x2 (S5)
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" 
> rightline="true" usebox="none">
> \begin_inset Text
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> Winding L;
>  Winding R
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> </row>
> <row>
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> \end_inset
> ;
>  PWM Freq
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>  Phase Temp V
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>  ESCx State
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> Requested ESCx State;
>  Current Master ESCx State
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> </cell>
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> Current ESCx State;
>  Previous ESCx State
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> \begin_layout Plain Layout
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> DC-Link Voltage;
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \size small
> Tolerance on DCL Voltage
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> </cell>
> </row>
> <row>
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