On 29-May-2001 Andre Poenitz wrote:

> A few times within four days?

No we never got drunk, just happy ;)

> Well, I have not been _really_ drunk for a while now, but as far as I
> remember this takes more than a day...

Well as far as I can remember I'm not used to alkohol so I get drunk
really fast #:O)

> On the other hand memory tends to fail in such cases :-}

Hmmm, ...

> PS: Juergen: Do you have fees for the motorways in Italy? If so, do you
> know whether I can pay them in advance somewhere? Anything else one needs
> to know?

Well there are fees on the Highway, but you can use normal streets too.
I don't think you can pay them in advance and it's < 10.000 Lire (5 Euro)
from Brennero-Brenner to Bolzano-Bozen (Nord).


Dr. Jürgen Vigna        E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N       Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen           Web:     http://www.sad.it/~jug

Lavish spending can be disastrous.  Don't buy any lavishes for a while.

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