On 06-Jun-2001 Dekel Tsur wrote:

>> where is the problem?
> Actually, you need to have 3 authors with different LyX versions (or two
> authors, and one author does an upgrade of LyX).
> Author #1 first create the file using LyX 1.1.4
> Now, authors #2 & #3 edit the file simultaneously, using LyX 1.1.5/1.1.6
> respectively.
> Author #2 does an update first. Now author #3 will get a conflict when doing
> cvs update.

I would say that in your example you just cannot work anyway, as you surely
know LyX-Format is NOT backward compatible and so as soon as you save it with
1.1.6 your fucked with all other versions. So I guess that people working on
a document will (quite) surely work also with the same LyX Version.


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