
some more compiler warnings (just in case you do not scan them from time
to time on your own)



formulabase.C:207: warning: #warning Please have a look if this is right
math_cursor.C:1001: warning: #warning This is evil!
insetbib.C:267: warning: #warning Ha, now we are mainly at 1.2.0 and it is
still here (Jug)
BufferView_pimpl.C:3209: warning: #warning Why is this code different from
specialChar() below? (JMarc)
lyxfunc.C:1184: warning: #warning Find another implementation here (or
another lyxfunc)!
text.C:1015: warning: #warning Please fix me (Jug!)
text.C:1504: warning: #warning Something is rotten here! (Jug)
text.C:2247: warning: #warning Dekel please have a look on this one RTL?
text.C:2940: warning: #warning Should be fixed with a
lyxinset::clear_width(bv, font) function! (Jug)
text.C:2941: warning: #warning Should we not fix this in the Painter,
please have a look Lars! (Jug)
text2.C:2472: warning: #warning Please tell what the intention is here.
text2.C:2475: warning: #warning Sure have a look now! (Jug)

Michael Schmitt                            phone:     +49 451 500 3725
Institute for Telematics                   secretary: +49 451 500 3721
Medical University of Luebeck              fax:       +49 451 500 3722
Ratzeburger Allee 160              eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-23538 Luebeck, Germany           WWW:   http://www.itm.mu-luebeck.de

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