*- Spellchecking is very slow in tabulars. Perhaps the reason is that during
   the spellchecking the cursor is drawn going over the cells of the tabular. 

*- Behavior of search&replace is strange in tabulars:

   1. If the document doesn't contain the word (and the document contains a 
   tabular), lyx will go into infinite loop 

   2. Start new document. Type foo. Insert a tabular and type 'foo' in the
   first cell. Now type 'foo' in a new paragraph after the tabular.
   Move the cursor to the beginning of the document, and search for foo.
   After finding the 3rd foo, press the next button again -> the foo in the
   tabular gets selected!

   3. Start new document. Insert a float. Insert a tabular in the float and
   type 'foo' in the first cell. Type 'foo' in a new paragraph after the
   tabular (inside the footnote). Move the cursor to the beginning of the
   document, and search for foo. After pressing the next button twice,
   lyx will crash.

*- Put a tabular in a minipage in a table float. Now press ctrl+k in some cell
   in the tabular, and lyx will crash.

*- When holding backspace in a tabular, the speed of erasing the characters is
   slow (slower than the speed character are added when holding some key).

*- The right border of floats is too far to the right: it is just at the end
   of the lyx screen.

*- If you open a float which contains a figure, the figure dialog is opened.

*- If you insert an eps figure to a figure float as non-inlined, the
   paragraph outside the float get centered, instead of the paragraph in the
   (yes, I know that that plan is to allow only inserting of inline figures)

*- If several cells in a tabular are selected, and you type text, the
   selection highlight is not cleared.

*- Select two or more lines in float with the mouse and then move the cursor
   with the mouse.  Some part of the text will remain highlighted.

*- Insertion of (double) quotes doesn't work properly in an insettext: the
   cursor doesn't move right after the insertion

*- Undo in a float doesn't update the screen correctly:
   Type the following in an empty document:
   x <left1> M-i f 1 <enter> 2 <enter> 3 ctrl+z ctrl+z ctrl+z.
   The result will be an empty footnote, then A LOT OF SPACE, and then 'x'.

*- When clicking on the "list of figures" inset, nothing happens.

*- After changing the width of a minipage in the dialog, the display is
   not updated.

- Minipage in 1.2d are inconsistent with minipage in 1.1.6: in the later, the
  paragraphs are indented (in the latex output), while in the latter,
  they are not.

- When if you have a reference to a label inside an text inset, and the label
  is changed, the reference isn't updated.

- The typing speed inside text inset is still much slower than normal typing
  The problem get worse when you have an inset inside another inset, for 
  example, when typing in a tabular inside a table float.

- The paragraphs in a tabular cell in a fixed width column are drawn indented
  on screen, while they are not indented in the DVI output.

- When you type in a tabular which is in a centered paragraph
  (or right aligned), after each key press the tabular is drawn twice
 (it is visible on screen since the tabular is drawn with different offsets)

- When you type in a tabular which its paragraph has some text before
  the tabular (drawn on the same row on screen), each key press generate
  2 redraws of the tabular (not visible on screen)

- When you have a tabular cell when the font of the last char in the cell
  is smaller than normal, the height of the red frame is to small.

- When you exit from text inset and the cursor was between two spaces, 
  the double space is not deleted.
  It is deleted when you renter the inset.

- Create a tabular with 2 fixed with column, and put two paragraphs
  in each of the two cells in the first row, namely

  |   |   |
  |A  |C  |
  |   |   |
  |B  |D  |
  |   |   |
  |   |   |

  Now put the cursor after the 'D' and press backspace twice.
  The old red frame (with height of two rows) will not be erased, so the 
  result will look like
  |   |===|
  |A  |C  |
  |   |===|
  |B  |D  |
  |   |===|
  |   |   |

  (the = chars denote the red lines).

- When inserting a footnote to a tabular, LyX doesn't automatically produce
  latex code to allow correct handling of the footnote (using footnote.sty)

- When inserting a footnote inside a tabular, and the footnote is not the last
  element in the cell, the display is wrong: the "foot" label is drawn over
  the text after the footnote.

Citation dialog:

- In the info area, the year appear after the authors and not at the end.
  Furthermore volume/number information do not appear

- strings defined by @string are not expanded

- The parser of the bib files is broken:
  If I have a field like title = {{$O(n^{2})$} algorithm...}
  then all the title text will be truncated after the $O(n^{2})$.

- The citation style buttons in citation dialog (and in document->extra)
  should be disabled if the "use natbib" button is not selected.

- The example text in the citation style button isn't updated when selecting
  keys in the bib keys browser.


*- In an empty document, open the TOC dialog and close it.
   Now add a section, and reopen the TOC dialog. The dialog remains empty,
   even after pressing update.

*- Apply button in preferences dialog becomes disabled (after it was enabled) 
   when selecting a format from the browser in the formats tab.

*- When selecting an element from the browser in the color tab in the
   preferences dialog, the apply button becomes enabled.

*- Insert a matrix using the math panel (and pressing ok in the dialog).
   Now, when opening the dialog again, the OK button is disabled.
   The same problem happen with the decorations dialog.

- The paragraph layout dialog should not be opened in a regular tabular
  cell. Also the pagebreak buttons should be disabled when the paragraph is
  in a fixed width cell, or in float/footnote etc.

- The unit button in the minipage dialog is unclear.
  Points, Inch, etc. should be used instead of pt, in, etc.


*- When doing selection with the mouse, and releasing the mouse over an inset,
   the inset should not be opened.

*- When inserting ascii files as lines, empty lines are ignored.

*- Begin an enumerate at create to items. Now press M-p right twice or more.
   The depth of the item increases.

- When changing the size of an EPS figure in a figure float
   (using the old insetfig), the display isn't updated.

- The accent-XXX lyxfuncs doesn't work when keymap is true

- When opening a read only document, some dialog buttons are not disabled:
  * Quote Style buttons in document dialog
  * Alignment buttons in paragraph dialog
  * OK/Apply and "Reference Style" buttons in reference dialog
  * All buttons in the minipage dialog
  * Text after in citation dialog
  * All buttons in tabular dialog

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