On Saturday 28 July 2001 18:05, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> Citation dialog:
> - In the info area, the year appear after the authors and not at the end.
>   Furthermore volume/number information do not appear


> - strings defined by @string are not expanded
> - The parser of the bib files is broken:
>   If I have a field like title = {{$O(n^{2})$} algorithm...}
>   then all the title text will be truncated after the $O(n^{2})$.
> - The citation style buttons in citation dialog (and in document->extra)
>   should be disabled if the "use natbib" button is not selected.

Fixed the citation dialog.

> - The example text in the citation style button isn't updated when selecting
>   keys in the bib keys browser.

It isn't "example text". It's the "first key in the citation".

> Dialogs:
> *- In an empty document, open the TOC dialog and close it.
>    Now add a section, and reopen the TOC dialog. The dialog remains empty,
>    even after pressing update.

I do not see this. I believe that Asger fixed this.

> *- Apply button in preferences dialog becomes disabled (after it was 
>    when selecting a format from the browser in the formats tab.
> *- When selecting an element from the browser in the color tab in the
>    preferences dialog, the apply button becomes enabled.
> *- Insert a matrix using the math panel (and pressing ok in the dialog).
>    Now, when opening the dialog again, the OK button is disabled.
>    The same problem happen with the decorations dialog.

These all occur because these dialogs are derived from FormBaseDeprecated and 
the input() function can return only valid/invalid (true/false). The dialogs 
ported to the Control-View split have an input() function that returns 

Perhaps it would be best to simply disable the button controller for these 
"old" dialogs. Anybody think that this is a bad idea?

> - The paragraph layout dialog should not be opened in a regular tabular
>   cell. Also the pagebreak buttons should be disabled when the paragraph is
>   in a fixed width cell, or in float/footnote etc.
> - The unit button in the minipage dialog is unclear.
>   Points, Inch, etc. should be used instead of pt, in, etc.

I think that this is a documentation issue. There is no concise way of 
putting all this in the dialog. Moreover, I think that we should use this 
methodology for all GUI-inputted lengths eventually, in which case it is 
definately a doc issue.

Explicit lengths
cm      Centimeters
em      One em is about the width of the letter M in the current font
ex      one ex is about the height of the letter x in the current font
in      Inches
pc      Picas (1pc = 12pt)
pt      Points (1in = 72.27pt)
mm      Millimeters

%       Percentage of the page width

But what about

> Misc.
> - When opening a read only document, some dialog buttons are not disabled:
>   * Quote Style buttons in document dialog
>   * Alignment buttons in paragraph dialog
>   * OK/Apply and "Reference Style" buttons in reference dialog
>   * All buttons in the minipage dialog
>   * Text after in citation dialog
>   * All buttons in tabular dialog

Fixed all except the tabular dialog.


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