* Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010729 00:41]:
> On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 12:12:12AM +0300, Baruch Even wrote:
> > > 3. Feature request: Is is possible to scale a figure by a certain
> > >    percentage? Imagine the case where you have two figure of different
> > >    size. Then it might make sense to shrink both by the same factor.
> > 
> > It would help if you could provide the needed latex command to use, I
> > will do it myself some other time, but if it's a trival command and you
> > provide it, I'll do it ASAP.
> \scalebox{2}{\includegraphics{file.eps}}
> or if you use graphicx, \includegraphics[scale=2]{file.eps}.
> BTW, if you plan to use graphicx, you should let the user decide if he want
> to use graphics or graphicx.

I'm using graphicx only, why would a user want to use graphics? (I can
think of when exporting and giving to others, but graphicx should be
present a.e. [almost everywhere - that is, everywhere besides a set of
measure zero]).

Baruch Even

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