On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 01:14:34PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:

> > this would lead to some horrendous code I think.
> >
> > I can't think of a way to nicely disable this situation generally. Instead of 
> > we could be calling anything, that might affect the button controller, in the 
>general case.
> If you reassigned temporarily the connection or just deleted it, made the
> change and then remade the connection it should be okay.  Wouldn't it?

it would work.

Qt2 will have at least one connect() for every interactive widget in each dialog.
Most of the connect()s are done in the GUI designer.

To add this code requires duplicating all this information. I can't even contemplate
doing this. It would only add about 30 lines to each dialog's code, probably, but would
be extremely awkward to change such connections (as Qt does no compile-time checking,
it's far too easy to forget to update it).

> > How about a controller().ignore(true); ... controller().ignore(false) ?
> and this would lead to problems of timing.  How does the controller
> really know which signal it should start believing?  Those events are
> asynchronous by your own earlier arguements.

Yes, but we can make them synchronous by calling qApp->processEvents() at the
end of each Qt2 update. I can guarantee that there are no pending events at the end
of an update(). I just need to make sure that this synchronous handling does not
affect the BC state.

> I'm going now so you'll have to wait till Monday for more advice from me,

bah ;)


"That's just kitten-eating wrong."
        - Richard Henderson

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