On 29 Nov 2001, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "Laurent" == Laurent Pizzagalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Laurent> Dear all, I upgraded Lyx1.1.5fix1 to Lyx1.1.6fix3 on a RedHat
> Laurent> 6.2 , and I got the following error message :
> Laurent> LyX: Unknown tag `\latex_command' [around line 6 of file
> Laurent> ~/.lyx/lyxrc.defaults]
> The messages like this one can be avoided by removing
> ~/.lyx/lyxrc.defaults. Then, when you get LyX to work, do
> Edit>Reconfigure.

yes, I knew that, I just included all warnings in my email, because I thought
there could be hidden clues about what was wrong...

> Laurent> LyX: Unknown LyX function `buffer-view-ps' [around line 47 of
> Laurent> file /usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cua.bind]
> This one is strange. It seems that LyX 1.1.6 finds the datafiles of
> LyX 1.1.5. How did you install?

I used first a lazy way to install. I downloaded the rpm, and upgrade it. Then I
deinstalled Lyx1.1.5 and installed 1.1.6, but nothing changed.
I reinstalled 1.1.5 which is working fine. (I also tried the several patched
version of 1.1.6, but no improvements).
I'm trying to remove Lyx files  manually, maybe that's he problem.

> JMarc

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