On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 10:49:24AM +0200, Martin Vermeer wrote:
> > How du you expect me to write Kâdâz Dûm now?
> K M-m h a d M-m h a z space D M-m h u m
> (as against 
> K S-^ a d S-^ a z space D S-^ u m )
> I can see that for some locales this would be a PITA.

And is a bit "unexpected"... M-m is "the math prefix"...

I think the problem can be (more) cleanly solved when we have "context
sensitive keybindings"...

> > The keybindings using dead_circumflex must be rethought I think.
> Yes... I did some thinking on this already. The problem as I see it
> is that you (LyX developers) will have to make up your collective 
> minds as to what you want to use the "^" key for.
> Traditionally we have been able to use "_" for generating a subscript
> and "^" for generating a superscript (in mathed). Just like in TeX, 
> and I would *really really hate* to lose that.

<me too/>

> (But if you can live with that, you'll have to state what key bindings
> you want instead for these functions.)
> Now, unless you can bind ^ to producing the "hat" accent
> (LFUN_CIRCUMFLEX) *only outside mathed*, you will run into trouble inside
> mathed. That is the current situation.

This is indeed the problem. ^ should produce the accent outside mathed and
superscript within mathed per default. And I guess we need an alternative
method to produce superscripts in math text mode... this does not fit very
well together...


André Pönitz .............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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