>>>>> "Andre" == Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andre> I think the problem can be (more) cleanly solved when we have
Andre> "context sensitive keybindings"...

Except that even in math, if one has a key for circumflex accent, it
is natural to have bound to hat accent, and not to superscript. The
`traditional' behaviour in this case, would be to have
circumflex+space be equivalent to ^.

>> Traditionally we have been able to use "_" for generating a
>> subscript and "^" for generating a superscript (in mathed). Just
>> like in TeX, and I would *really really hate* to lose that.

Andre> <me too/>

Me too.

>> (But if you can live with that, you'll have to state what key
>> bindings you want instead for these functions.)
>> Now, unless you can bind ^ to producing the "hat" accent
>> (LFUN_CIRCUMFLEX) *only outside mathed*, you will run into trouble
>> inside mathed. That is the current situation.

Actually, even in text, ^ should never be bound by LyX to circumflex


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