Hi folks,

It is a pity with these bugs. At one moment, it looks like you have 
fixed one of the real showstoppers but then - just before I want to 
remove the report - I find a new, related problem :-(

The current list includes 62 items (approx. 40 of them are critical).

Juergen (V.): Appending a column still causes a memory violation. (The 
tool "njamd" would help you to find such bugs during testing bug fixes.)

I hope this email reaches the mailing list; many of my recent emails 
could not be delivered (no idea why they couldn't).


                LyX 1.2.0cvs - Bug list

  Please help me to keep this list up to date. 

  Report new or fixed bugs *directly* to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'


Checked last time on 2001/12/17 (evening):

- Place an ERT into a figure float; collapse it; place a minipage next to it 
  -> the green background is painted beyond the right border of the minipage

- Scenario: An ERT and a minipage within a figure float (both empty); I 
collapsed/opened them;
  selected them; maybe tried to cut them, suddenly -- a crash:

  #0  LyXText::Selection::set (this=0xa8, s=false) at lyxtext.h:260
  #1  0x080f49e1 in LyXText::clearSelection (this=0x0) at text2.C:1059
  #2  0x08155df2 in InsetText::insetButtonPress (this=0x855beee8, bv=0x5fce8fec, x=82, 
y=-2, button=1) at insettext.C:996
  #3  0x0815dac7 in InsetCollapsable::insetButtonPress (this=0x855bee8c, 
bv=0x5fce8fec, x=82, y=22, button=1) at insetcollapsable.C:320
  #4  0x08056fbd in BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaButtonPress (this=0x5fceaf28, xpos=82, 
ypos=22, button=1) at BufferView_pimpl.C:603
  #5  0x081e04ea in SigC::ObjectSlot3_<void, int, int, unsigned int, 
BufferView::Pimpl>::callback (d=0x5feb7ff0, p1=134, p2=58, p3=1)
      at ../sigc++/object_slot.h:347
  #6  0x081fe4dc in SigC::Callback3<void, int, int, unsigned int>::call 
(this=0x5feb7ff0, p1=@0xbfffee8c, p2=@0xbfffee90, p3=@0x400dba14)
      at ../sigc++/slot.h:554
  #7  0x081fe5d4 in SigC::Signal3<void, int, int, unsigned int, SigC::Marshal<void> 
>::emit (this=0x5fceaf60, p1=@0xbfffee8c, p2=@0xbfffee90,
      p3=@0x400dba14) at ../sigc++/basic_signal.h:611
  #8  0x081fe90e in SigC::Signal3<void, int, int, unsigned int, SigC::Marshal<void> 
>::operator() (this=0x5fceaf60, p1=@0xbfffee8c,
      p2=@0xbfffee90, p3=@0x400dba14) at ../sigc++/basic_signal.h:589
  #9  0x0807cde4 in WorkArea::work_area_handler (ob=0x5fe9fef8, event=2, key=1, 
xev=0x400db9e0) at WorkArea.C:359
  #10 0x0807bd02 in C_WorkArea_work_area_handler (ob=0x5fe9fef8, event=2, key=1, 
xev=0x400db9e0) at WorkArea.C:68
  #11 0x40091226 in fl_handle_it () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libforms.so.0.89
  #12 0x400912e5 in fl_handle_object () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libforms.so.0.89
  #13 0x40062e18 in fl_handle_form () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libforms.so.0.89
  #14 0x40063f3f in do_interaction_step () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libforms.so.0.89
  #15 0x40063f89 in fl_treat_interaction_events () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libforms.so.0.89
  #16 0x40063fd6 in fl_check_forms () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libforms.so.0.89
  #17 0x0816670a in GUIRunTime::runTime () at GUIRunTime.C:86
  #18 0x080a7577 in LyXGUI::runTime (this=0x4269bff0) at lyx_gui.C:315
  #19 0x080a7d76 in LyX::LyX (this=0xbffff1d0, argc=0xbffff1f4, argv=0xbffff254) at 
  #20 0x080c68ce in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff254) at ../src/main.C:38
  #21 0x402d47ee in __libc_start_main () from /lib/libc.so.6
- Insert a figure float into an empty document; insert a minipage (width: 50%) into
  the float; insert a paragraph (a few words) into the minipage; then set lines above 
  and below the paragraph within the minipage -> the lines are a few pixels too large 
(out of minipage)

- It seems like "Wide figures" do not work with option "Here, definitely" 
  (at least in the article class without additional flags/options). If that is 
  generally true, the option should not be allowed for them.

- Create new doc; add 5x5 table; insert a letter into each cell of the first column;
  set the size of the letter in the topmost cell to tiny (alt+s t) -> incorrect redraw

- Insert a minipage into an empty document; insert a few characters in front of the
  (open) minipage -> the minipage is moved past the right border of the LyX main 
window (#125)

- Do we really need to export PDF in many different ways? My machine at work
  suggests PDF (just PDF), PDF (pdflatex), and a third one (don't remember).
  Can't we just offer the best one?

- Insert/Special character/Linebreak shows a very strange behaviour within 
  mathed especially if you change from math formula to display formula 
  afterwards (#118)

- The output of the list of possible completions given in the minibuffer if you enter, 
  "Alt+s" or "Alt+p" is delayed too long (how about 1 or 2 seconds only?) (#124)

- Appending a column to a centered table (in the last column) 
  shifts it to the very right; as of 2001/12/15, LyX crashes (probably freed memory 
access, #108):

  #0  0x080d51e7 in LyXTabular::AppendColumn (this=0x7b432f88, cell=4) at tabular.C:314
  #1  0x0814ee2e in InsetTabular::tabularFeatures (this=0x7b430f6c, bv=0x5fce8fec, 
feature=APPEND_COLUMN, value=@0xbfffeff4)
      at insettabular.C:1772
  #2  0x081a7116 in FormTabular::input (this=0x5f0d4f00, ob=0x7d384ef8) at 
  #3  0x081c5a78 in FormBaseDeprecated::InputCB (ob=0x7d384ef8, data=0) at 
  #4  0x081c51f6 in C_FormBaseDeprecatedInputCB (ob=0x7d384ef8, d=0) at 
  #5  0x4005364e in fl_object_qread () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libforms.so.0.89
  #6  0x40063fc8 in fl_check_forms () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libforms.so.0.89
  #7  0x0816670a in GUIRunTime::runTime () at GUIRunTime.C:86
  #8  0x080a7577 in LyXGUI::runTime (this=0x4269bff0) at lyx_gui.C:315
  #9  0x080a7d76 in LyX::LyX (this=0xbffff1d0, argc=0xbffff1f4, argv=0xbffff254) at 
  #10 0x080c68ce in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff254) at ../src/main.C:38
  #11 0x402d47ee in __libc_start_main () from /lib/libc.so.6

- In math mode, enter "a", "^", "_", "<cursorleft>", "<cursorleft>". The subscript of 
  superscript is deleted correctly but a small dot remains as the superscript of "a" 
on screen.

Checked last time on 2001/12/15:

- With pspell, I get the following message when starting the spell checker:
  "I'm sorry I can't find any suitable word lists for the language-tag "en"."
  What does that mean? (I will check Garst comments eventually)

- Option "Longtable" shifts the table from left to center. Correct?
  Header and footer cannot be selected in the GUI.
- Open new document; insert->float->figure; insert->minipage;
  insert->old graphics; insert->tabular material next to the graphics;
  place the cursor anywhere in the table (dummy position or table cell
  doesn't matter).  Now click on the picture -> crash

- Find & replace ignores math formula; bug or feature?

- A line break in an ERT is not printed correctly when the ERT is collapsed 

- In the "open" dialog, "Documents" and "Examples" do not have shortcuts;
  in the "external material" dialog, "apply" is not activated if you enter the file 
name by hand

- Menu items "Layout => XXX Style" are not updated for mathed (but the menu items 
  can be used in math mode!) (#130)

- When changing some font property for a set of table cells, the cell 
  selection is revoked.

- Select a set of cells in an empty table and press a key.  
  the text will be inserted in the last cell after the selection
  is cleared (good). but there will be a blue-background cursor
  trail, e.g. two cells above.

- When selecting a set of cells in a large table (>screen size), I have 
  noticed that sometimes the wrong cells are selected. (Some uninitialized 

- If you invoke "find&replace", it happens that after the last occurrence the cursor 
  is set to the end of the document but the previous occurrence is still 
  This is, of course, not a bug. However, I guess it makes things much more 
  if the cursor is not always placed at the beginning or end of a selection. Maybe 
  is some opportunity to simplify LyX in this direction and make it more robust at the 
  same time??? Please give some comment on whether I shall keep this item.

Checked last time on 2001/12/08:

- Create new doc; insert a figure float; insert a 2 col x 1 row table into the float;
  insert an _old_ figure inset into each cell with width=50%page and an invalid file 
  export to pdflatex -> 4 errors are reported (correct!); export to pdflatex again 
(stupid, but try) 
  -> lyx aborts. I don't care about the old figure inset as it should be removed 
  However, I guess there is a bug in the error handling (#115)
- Create new doc; add two pars; insert note inset in between; add two lines into
  note; "undo" until doc is empty again; "redo" again -> note text is lost forever 

- Insert a minipage into the only cell of a 1x1 table; then try to
  invoke the minipage dialog -> you will fail; the table dialog is invoked 
  instead all the time. Solution: The dialog is opened for the deepest nested  
  inset on which the cursor is placed (#117)

- German "ö" (o umlaut) has a strange effect in mathed

- Select some text; paste it with middle button (no highlighting); paste it again
  (highlighting), paste it again (no highlighting), ... (#35)

- Insert a figure float into an empty document; insert a _large_ table
  (> screen size) into the figure float; add some text right after the 
  table (on a separate line); select the text -> it is not highlighted! (#127)

- The undo operation always moves the cursor out of the current inset
  (check this with ERT inside note inset; also crashes eventually) (#128, #12)

- Insert a (math) inset into a table cell. Then, move the cursor along the current 
  row. The lines at the bottom of other cells are erased (on screen) (#59)
- Create new "article (koma-script)" document; insert a minipage; add three pars of 
  into the minipage; set the second par to "minisec" layout; set document to "SGML 
  click on the error inset -> some text following the error inset is highlighted (#129)

- Remove the old graphics inset (from GUI and from code
  if automatic conversion is activated and works satisfyingly) (#53)

- Open new doc; insert float; insert some text into the float; open other doc; close 
other doc
    -> cursor is at the beginning of the inset (normally it keeps its former position) 

- Create a document with about 10 open footnotes; then move to the end of the document 
and collapse
  the footnotes in reverse order -> the scroll bar is not updated fully correctly 

Checked before 2001/12/06:

- It makes a difference whether you mark a whole table and press "Alt+s t" (for size 
  or you mark the text in each cell individually (line spacing is different!). On 
  not difference can be observed! (it took me an hour to analyse the probem :-() (#36)

- When pressing ESC in a cell of a large table (>screen size), the table is scrolled 
  though the cell is already visible (example requested by John)

- The width is computed incorrectly for tables with many (vertically overlapping) 
multicolumn cells. 
  I observed the case that a table was enlarged when entering chars in a multicolumn 
cell even though 
  the cell itself was not filled completely (example requested by John)

- If a footnote is used inside a tabular which is 1) outside floats
  2) not in a minipage 3) no long-tabular, the following two lines have to be 
  inserted to the preamble (according to Dekel):
  Else you get a footnote symbol but no footnote text.

- After defining the Tgif (vector drawing program) file type and
  converters to eps and xpm, the graphics inset still does not accept
  my files. Why? In that context, could somebody please explain why
  there is a need for an "external material" inset anymore? (Details later)

- If you do not press "save" immediately after pressing "modify" in the 
  Preferences/Converters dialog, you have no chance to do so later

- Minibuffer message is duplicated:

     "LaTeX run number 2 (message LaTeX run number 2)"    

  Only occurs when you click at menu item "View/DVI"; CTRL-D works well (#122)
- If several table cells are combined in one multicolumn cell, the content
  of all but the first cell is lost (hidden). IMHO the content of all cells
  should be merged in order to prevent unintended loss of text (#121)

- Create a note inset in a large document and fill it with text until its 
  content cannot be fully displayed on screen.
  Then move the cursor in front of the note, press CursorDown (you are now
  scrolling past the note), press CursorUp (you are back in front of the note),
  and press CursorLeft -> you enter the note but again the document is scrolled, 
  this time totally unnecessarily. Too much scrolling is really confusing!

- PageDown (only 5 lines downwards) and PageUp (movement to either the last
  or one but last line) do not work in a (large) note inset (#60)

- Add some labels to your document, then open the "Reference" dialog.
  As soon as you move the cursor down in the list of references, 
  all references (i.e. their names) are shifted to the right
  The same problem occurs with "bibliography keys" in the citation dialog

- +checking for package graphics [graphics]... yes
                   Shouldn't this be graphicx for the new graphics inset? (#120)

- If I start LyX in my document directory, LyX should offer the current directory 
  as default location in the "Open..." dialog. But it always shows the home 
  directory instead. (#46)

- The scroll button of a wheel mouse does not work with insets as the cursor
  is blocked ("hangs") at some position; the problem
  seems to occur if the cursor is set right after an inset 

- Navigate does not work for algorithms and figures (#11)

- Warnings and messages (2001/12/15)

math_cursor.C:754: warning: #warning This should probably take cellXOffset and 
cellYOffset into account
math_cursor.C:852: warning: #warning This is evil!
math_gridinset.C:50: warning: #warning fix this once the interface to LyXLength has 
math_kerninset.C:42: warning: #warning fix this once the interface to LyXLength has 
math_parser.C:924: warning: #warning A hack...
insetert.C:129: warning: #warning this should be really short lived only for 
compatibility to
insetert.C:130: warning: #warning files written 07/08/2001 so this has to go before 
1.2.0! (Jug)
insetminipage.C:76: warning: #warning Remove this color definitions before 1.2.0 final!
insettabular.C:661: warning: #warning fix scrolling when cellinset has requested a 
scroll (Jug)!!!
insettabular.C:1412: warning: #warning This should be fixed in the right manner 
(20011128 Jug)
insettabular.C:2057: warning: #warning Remove use of VSpace as soon as 
LyXLength::inPixels exists (JMarc)
insettext.C:1113: warning: #warning I changed this to always return Dispatched maybe 
it is wrong (20011001 Jug)
insettext.C:2478: warning: #warning Dekel please have a look on this one RTL? (Jug)
insettext.C:2479: warning: #warning DEKEL!
lyxsum.C:23: warning: #warning lyx::sum() using mmap (lightning fast)
BufferView2.C:120: warning: #warning FIXME
BufferView2.C:560: warning: #warning FIXME
BufferView_pimpl.C:831: warning: #warning variable c is set but never used. What is it 
good for?? (JMarc)
BufferView_pimpl.C:832: warning: #warning isnt this code dead ?? "open a float" ??? 
BufferView_pimpl.C:3222: warning: #warning Why is this code different from 
specialChar() below? (JMarc)
buffer.C:295: warning: #warning And _why_ is this here? (Lgb)
tabular.C:2224: warning: #warning Implement top double lines for LT Header/Footers
text.C:2330: warning: #warning Dekel please have a look on this one RTL? (Jug)
text.C:2331: warning: #warning DEKEL!
text2.C:2196: warning: #warning I believe this code is wrong. (Lgb)
text2.C:2197: warning: #warning Jürgen, have a look at this. (Lgb)
text2.C:2198: warning: #warning Hmmm, I guess you are right but we
text2.C:2199: warning: #warning should verify when this is needed
text2.C:2421: warning: #warning This will not work anymore when we have multiple views 
of the same buffer

********************** Bugs that might not be fixed for 1.2.0 :-( 

- Citation labels should reflect their content, i.e. if only the year is chosen
  in the citation dialog, then the label should show the year afterwards. (#114)

- Is there any way to speed up "Search&Replace" when it comes to wide tables? LyX 
redraws such 
  tables hysterically even though the search text is not found in them. IMHO LyX 
should only update
  the screen when some text is found or the search is finished (#43)

- You cannot delete empty LyX code paragraphs with the backspace key;
  however, you can delete them with the delete key (#4)
  The same holds for pars within ERT insets (BTW: How about replacing the
  lyxcode par layout by an inset? IIRC LyX code has some more problems caused 
  by them not being real environments)

- Wouldn't it be wiser to have "algorithm"/"figure"/etc. as an option to
  a general float? Currently, it is not possible to switch between types 
  once you have created the float (you must cut&paste the content).

- The citation ref. dialog should have a similar feature as the buffer choice in
  the cross ref. dialog (#123)

- In a table cell with all text being tiny, the cursor size is adjusted within the 
cell's red box
  wrt. the cell's height but not outside the red box (i.e. when pressing ESC)

- A lot of math features are not visible in the GUI, e.g. font settings, macros; 
  IMHO the GUI should list all LyX features; most users do not read the manual and 
  will miss some of LyX's pearls (#119)

- Start LyX, open buffer, close buffer, have a look at the minibuffer (#51)

- In the label dialog, the buttons should be reordered ("ok"/"clear"/"cancel") (#85)

- Graphics dialog: 
   - It is not a good idea to clear the width and height fields if "scale" 
     is chosen (and vice versa); IMHO new buttons for the three sections
     default/height+width/scale should be added and the "Width"/"Height"/
     "Scale" labels should become grey if deselected (#112)
   - The insertion of a graphic should be delayed until "OK" is pressed 
   - What's the difference between OK and Apply? It seems to be
     impossible to add a second, third,... graphic with the same
     dialog (cf. reference dialogs) (#113)

- In the table dialog, you need to enter RETURN in order to set a fixed width
  for a column; this is not acceptable because "close" simply throws away your 
  change without a warning (#110)

- The year of the following bibtex entry is not shown correctly in the citation dialog 

     @STRING{ ProcOfThe = "Proceedings of the " }
        AUTHOR =       {D. A. Frincke and A. Tompkins},
        JOURNAL =      {Journal of Computing and Information},
        NOTE =         {Special Issue: } # ProcOfThe # {Eighth International
                        Conference of Computing and Information (ICCI'96)},
        NUMBER =       {1},
        PAGES =        {986--999},
        TITLE =        {Using Symbolic Execution to Detect Undesirable
                        Program States},
        VOLUME =       {2},
        YEAR =         1996

  Note: '#' is correct BibTeX notation!

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