R. Lahaye wrote:

> Today (Feb. 5th) I've updated my CVS, which came with a revised
> version of the Graphics dialog; however, not yet an Apply button.

is on the way. Before it can work, it must be committed to cvs ....
makes sense ... ;-)

> The Help button only gets activated after making a modification,
> whereas the Restore button is always activated. Has the
> 'activation-policy' accidentally been exchanged between these
> two buttons?

there was a bug, which is now fixed.

> 1) LyXView tab:
>    The two upper buttons have text "Default|#D" and "Custom|#C".
>    Something went wrong with the implementation of the shortcuts.

not to me.

>    The "Show:" selection button has also as one of its items
>    "SHOW:". Remove one of the "Show:" texts.

can't see this behaviour.

>    I would change the LyXView-tab layout into:
>    +- Display ----------------------+
>    | Show: [____]                   |
>    +--------------------------------+
>    +- Size -------------------------+
>    | O Default                      |
>    | O Scale   [____] %             |
>    | O Custom  width: [____] [cm]   |
>    |           height:[____] [cm]   |
>    |           <> keep aspect ratio |
>    +--------------------------------+

or should we go back to radio tabs for Show on the left side?

>    What means "Default" in Show and Size?

like the one from preferences

>    We could be a bit more explicit here, for example
>    replace "Default" by "Default (from ....)".

may occur problems with localisation, if the text is too long
for the button. But you're right in general. This things
should be explained in the helpfile.

>    It's also more common to move the "Custom" option to
>    the last one in the list.

maybe an idea.

> 2) Size-tab:
>    Use the same layout as above for "Size".
>    Again: what does "Default" mean here?

take image as is.

> 3) Bounding_Box-tab:
>    Use "Horizontal" and "Vertical" instead of "X" and "Y",
>    to please our non-mathematically oriented fellows.

I don't know. "Horizontal" and "Vertical" leads to lengths,
but we have two points with their coordinates and their
difference is the length.



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