On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 12:16:09PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Jules Bean wrote:
> > Unless dia is *far* better than it was when I last looked, it's still
> > essentially a graphical tool.  WYSIWYG, in other words.  I search for
> > a more formal, logical, WYSIWYM approach.  I just specify the data of
> > the commutative diagram in LaTeX, the diagram packages handle the
> > layout.
> You do realize that this is a different request to your original
> don't you?  Nobody else commented on this.  What you originally
> requested was exactly what Dia would you provide you if set
> snap-to-grid and set the grid spacing appropriately.

[Aha! Allan has stormed through my thread and made many excellent
points.  I'm glad to say that I agree with most of them.  However...]

Well, likely I should re-examine Dia.  But, let me answer that
question as a LaTeX user, before considering how the answer might
transfer to LyX:

I use LaTeX not Dia for the following reasons:

1) Because if I use LaTeX, the labels at the points, and on the
arrows, can be arbitrary math objects.  Can Dia do a blackboard bold R 
to the power of n?

2) Because if I use LaTeX I can make (paramaterised) macros for
certain commonly used diagrams (e.g. the ajoint pair

C      D


Now, the idea was that a LyX plug-ing would get advantage (1) because
it would be able to embed a mathed object somehow.  This is
important.  (I dunno, maybe 'Dia' has a way of embedding LaTeX?  I
know that sketch does.  But even if Dia does have a way of embedding
LaTeX, I still wouldn't be able to edit it in the nice mathed way)

Furthermore, it's not impossible to imagine that LyX could get
advantage (2), with a slightly enhanced math-macro code.

> Mathed does) then someone has a lot of work ahead of them.  Otherwise
> a similar approach to what I suggested for graphviz above (the .dot
> file) could be used for supporting any arbitrary LaTeX package -- you
> type the raw LaTeX but LyX is able to show a converted eps of the
> output.

That would be better than nothing, certainly.

Let me re-explain my position:

Currently I use LaTeX, not LyX, for my mathematical work.  In some
ways I'd rather use LyX, and I think you would rather I used LyX ;)
I'm trying to explain the kind of things I do that I can't
conveniently do in LyX, and think of possible solutions..


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