On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 09:07, Jules Bean wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 12:16:09PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> > On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Jules Bean wrote:
> > 

> Well, likely I should re-examine Dia.  But, let me answer that
> question as a LaTeX user, before considering how the answer might
> transfer to LyX:
> I use LaTeX not Dia for the following reasons:
> 1) Because if I use LaTeX, the labels at the points, and on the
> arrows, can be arbitrary math objects.  Can Dia do a blackboard bold R 
> to the power of n?
> 2) Because if I use LaTeX I can make (paramaterised) macros for
> certain commonly used diagrams (e.g. the ajoint pair

I think there was a patch floating around that made it possible to use
LaTeX in Dia diagrams but I don't thinkt that it ever made it in to CVS.
However you can use the package psfrag to achive that.


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