On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 01:50:29PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:

> > Thankyou for agreeing that inset external is not a sufficient mechanism for making 
> > extendible !
> No.  The problem is more restricted than you imply.  InsetExternal is
> _inappropriate_ for extending LyX's LaTeX support it is still
> sufficient for extending LyX in other ways.

by the same token, the ability to include .tex files also makes lyx extendible.

> > all very nice, but nothing to do with lyx plugins until you can *embed* the editor.
> Have you ever tried to use one of those dumb applications that embeds
> inside another?  Any of the ones I have seen just make me vomit.
> They are impossible to make sensible use of.  Give me the real
> application in its own window any day not some bogus merged-in kludge.

again, how do I cut and paste ? how do I spellcheck ? You can't just ignore
all these sort of things !

> External inset is how I would much rather work with an external app.
> The only improvement would be to display what the output might be but
> when I click on it to edit it the real external app is started not
> some lame embedding scheme that merges toolbars and menus and other
> nonsense.  That is far too confusing and ugly.

personally I have no real desire for embedding. But that is most definitely
not the point: inset external CANNOT and DOES NOT do what Jules was asking for.

That's all I'm saying.


"I'd rather be rudely informed than politely left in the dark."

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