On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, John Levon wrote:

> personally I have no real desire for embedding. But that is most definitely
> not the point

Then why raise it as an issue?

> : inset external CANNOT and DOES NOT do what Jules was asking for.
> That's all I'm saying.

Nothing does what Jules is asking for.

I had just said that the external inset is inappropriate for
extending LaTeX support in LyX.  That is the area that Jules is most

This became much clearer after I read the comp.text.tex thread and
found out what he really wants:  a tool that lets him type in LaTeX
(macros, newcommands that lot) and provides both an editing window and
a dvi rendering of the codes he's typing in (preferably as he types

This would indeed be a fantastic inset.  It could in fact be fairly
easy to arrange -- the document preamble and class settings are taken
from the document being edited; the contents of the insets raw tex
buffer is placed in the file and the resulting dvi is then viewed
(hopefully cropped to just the resulting virtual ink -- or let the
user define this in a separate xdvi window).

The external inset could be extended to support this approximately
(editing in your $EDITOR or $VISUAL and then viewing in xdvi) but I'd
rather see a specialised InsetLaTeX.  This would not replace InsetERT
because they would serve very different purposes.

Allan. (ARRae)

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