
I like using LyX 1.1.6fix4-1 - it's great for taking notes on my research,
including plot of results, and then shaping those notes into technical
papers.  Really nice to use with SixPack and pipes!

I like LyX even more when I checked out the list of future features.  I
was please to see that the idea of collapsable sections was on the list as
that would fit my writing style quite well.

One feature that I didn't see on the list:  autmomatic word wrap in the
notes popups.  Also, the keyboard yank from the kill buffer C-y doesn't
seem to work in the notes popups.  But fortunately, the middle mouse click
will yank from the kill buffer into the notes popups.

Thanks for your work,



 Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab - Suite 524K
 Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
 Stanford University                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stanford, CA 94305-4020                      ph#: 650/725.5948

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