On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 12:03:41PM +0200, Juergen Vigna wrote:

> > I also wish to warn the users of this version that there is a very
> > annoying bug which I have been unable to remove. Namely, in the inset
> > environment such as "table" or "footnote", the cursor for local input
> > method does not move with the local character input, so that input
> > hebaviour does not look like "on the spot", but "over the spot" in the
> > inset environment. I am open  to any suggestion, idea or even a solution !!!
> >  Mr. Jurgen Vigna ?
> Hi!
> I don't really understand what problem you have could you please explain
> it another time. What do you mean with "over the spot"?

Probably this :



"I never understood what's so hard about picking a unique
 first and last name - and not going beyond the 6 character limit."
        - Toon Moene

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