Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "R" == R Lahaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> R> Herbert Voss wrote:
> >>  Angus, I think Rob means that file->export->latex should not write
> >> the original filename. for example: \includegraphics[...]{my.agr}
> >> is the original latex code. Rob wants it as my.eps in the exported
> >> texfile.
> R> Yes, indeed, that's what I was referring to.
> R> Within LyX everything is fine. It's the exported LaTeX file that
> R> can never be processed by LaTeX because of the unknown format of
> R> the exported graphics filename.
> This is definitely wrong. First the latex file should have the name
> without extension, as we do for running latex. Second, on export, we
> should create the eps files (don't we do that for included lyx
> files?).

eps files written with the included lyx files???
Ah, are these the stray eps files I find in my workdirectory?
In an earlier email
I mentioned a serious problem that LyX is actually (over)writing eps
files in my working directory, which never should happen!

Now we are at this: when exporting, LyX is overwriting without any warning
when the file already exists. I think there should be a filecheck before
exporting, and ask the user whether to overwrite an already existing file.

This problem is there for ALL exports!


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