"R. Lahaye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Andre Poenitz wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 12:02:51PM +0900, R. Lahaye wrote:
>> > It's the recursion call in math_support.C::searchFont at line 596.
>> Ah... this probably means it does not find the proper point
>> for mathnormal and due to my stupid way to implement this fall
>> back you run into an infinite loop and the SIGSEGV is probably
>> a stack overflow.
>> I think I just fix it with something similar as you use right
>> now (I'll only move "mathnormal" higher up in the list to
>> position 0)
| No, the crash does NOT occur WHILE performing the searchFont routine!
| The SIGSEGV happens later (in math_factory.C::readSymbols(), remember?).
| However, changing math_support.C::searchFont() the way I described
| previously, prevents the SIGSEGV to happen. A weird thing, isn't it?
| It's getting even more weird:
| The modification of searchFont() below works fine. Simply add a dummy
| char array declarartion; a size of nine chars is minimum, smaller array
| will crash when in readSymbols(), any larger array size is OK.
| ------------ math_support.C ---------------------
| fontinfo * searchFont(string const & name)
| {
|       int const n = sizeof(fontinfos) / sizeof(fontinfo);
|       char dummy[9]; // dummy declaration, without being used !?!?
|       for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
|               if (fontinfos[i].cmd_ == name) {
|                       return fontinfos + i;
|               }
|       return searchFont("mathnormal");
| }
| --------------------------------------------------
| Somehow, this may force a correct stack management, or something.
| Do you understand this, or does this show at last that there's obviously
| something fishy whith my compiler, when it comes to the string variables
| and the stack management? (it's gcc 2.95.3)
| BTW: your own solution applied to CVS to avoid the recursion by
| "return fontinfos", works also fine here; since the recursion appears
| to be the culprit.

It seems to me that it is just too easy to recurse too deep.

Would using a more controlled container for fontinfos help there?
(vector, map?)

And why have this function recurse anyway?


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