On Monday 08 July 2002 1:17 pm, Juergen Vigna wrote:
> Angus Leeming wrote:
> > Could you two great minds think of ways of improving the interface to do
> > what we'd like to do. The rest should be hidden inside the
> > implementation.
> Well I cannot comment on your implementation (I don't have the time
> to look over it in detail), but I will give you a realtime example
> of what I think and why it should be in BufferView.
> Think of being Andre opening your workfile and scrolling till the
> end of the document. What should happens now:
> 1. All previews/graphics should be converted to a loadable format
> 2. I would like to display the part of the graphics I'm actually in
>     and am not interested to wait till all other graphics I passed
>     truth are displayed to.
> 3. Only the really needed graphics should be loaded and displayed
> 4. Who knows about where I am in the document? Yes ONLY LyXText
>     which is part of the BufferView and BufferView is generally
>     the passed pointer.
> 5. BufferView should now after I stopped scrolling for "n" bits
>     of defined time request the loading of the graphic segments
>     I'm displaying right now. For this it should advise the insets
>     actually displayed to load it's graphics and fix it's width
>     (if it differs from the saved one which could be).
> 6. We have to do a rebreak of the text starting at the first displayed
>     paragraph-row.
> 7. We have to redraw the screen.
> That is how I see it. But please fill in the gaps how you would see
> the whole process and where I'm wrong.
>             Jug

I don't think you're wrong. I'd just like to implement it so that the Inset 
does as little as possible. I think I see how we'd do this, but I need your 
help to turn it into working code.

The plan
1. Don't load all image files once they are converted. 
2. insets ascertain whether they should use the previewed image with

void InsetFormula::draw(BufferView * bv, LyXFont const & font,
                        int y, float & xx, bool) const
        if (preview_->usePreview()) {
                pi.pain.image(x + 1, y - a + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 

If we modify this usePreview call, we can use that to invode startLoading, 
albeit without the inset knowing anything about this.

Within, InsetFormula::usePreview is:
bool InsetFormula::PreviewImpl::usePreview() const
        // If the cached grfx::PreviewImage is invalid, update it.
        string const snippet = latexString();
        if (!pimage_ || snippet != pimage_->snippet()) {
                grfx::PreviewLoader & ploader =
                pimage_ = ploader.preview(snippet);

        if (!pimage_)
                return false;

        return pimage_->image();

So, we already have the mechanism to trigger the loading of the image. Just 
modify PreviewLoader::preview to something like:

PreviewImage const *
PreviewLoader::Impl::preview(string const & latex_snippet, Inset * inset) 
        Cache::const_iterator it = cache_.find(latex_snippet);
        PreviewImage const * pimage = 
                (it == cache_.end()) ? 0 : it->second.get();

+       // psuedo code
+       if (pimage && pimage->status() == WaitingToLoad) {
+               // call checkVisibility(inset) in 2 secs time
+               startTimer(2, inset, pimage, &PreviewImage::checkVisibility)
+       }
        return pimage;

void PreviewImage::checkVisibility(Inset * inset)
        if (!inset || iloader_->status() != WaitingToLoad)

        if (!inset->isVisible())


So,, Jürgen, what should I use for "inset->isVisible()". I have a Buffer & at 
my disposal.


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