Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Friday 12 July 2002 9:13 am, David Kastrup wrote:
> > David Kastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > If that's ok, just use grep, which will probably be faster.
> > >
> > > grep '^Preview: Snippet /'
> >
> > And do the obvious correction to the line above.  Argh.
> ;-)
> aleem@pneumon:tmp-> grep '^Preview: Snippet' 1lyxpreview.log
> Preview: Snippet 1 492688 0 744653)
> Preview: Snippet 2 1441792 163840 16026923)
> Preview: Snippet 3 282168 0 377591)
> Preview: Snippet 4 1619363 449545 16026923)


> Could you further modify prlyx.cfg to not output that final ')'. Attached.
> Why has the name changed from .def to .cfg?

Because I am an idiot.  I posted from a different computer, and used
the stuff decoded from my own letter, and had to give it a name, and
gave it the wrong one.  prlyx.def will, BTW, load a file prlyx.cfg if
it happens to find one, so that the user may place configuration
stuff of their own into a local or system-wide file.

> I just pasted your .cfg file into your original .def file and all
> works well. Should I rename this as .cfg?

No, please don't, and be sure you don't have a prlyx.cfg lying around
accidentally.  When we are through with this, is it ok with you if I
place prlyx.def into the preview distribution?  It will in a later
iteration also gather color support (or rather, the color support will
generally included into preview.sty), but the current implementation
should work fine then still, I suppose.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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