mathed: insert in mathmode: \bf test it's exported as $\bf{test}$, which works well. Close and reopen gives an error, because LyX saved it as \begin_inset Formula $\bf{{test}$ $}$ \end_inset and then exports also wrong $\bf{{test}$ $}$ --------------------------------------------------------------- mathed: \vdots is too deep in it's view \dotso and \vdots are not shown when closing and reopen the doc \not is too right \hbar gives no symbol on screen \mho " " " " " --------------------------------------------------------------- mathed: \align \alignat \ .... when doing a edit->math->append column lyx always inserts TWO columns instead of one --------------------------------------------------------------- mathed: \xxalignat is exported (LaTeX/LyX) as \begin{xxalignat*} ... \end{xxalignat} 1. error is star/unstar 2. xxalignat can't be numbered so it's still unstared