On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 01:12:15PM +0900, R. Lahaye wrote:

> Who is supposed to read the lyx file format? Users certainly not!
> The present format, but also XML, saves a lot of diskspace when
> gzipped. Interesting detail: the xml parser doesn't care whether
> the file is gzipped or not, it can read it anyway.

Actually, I've used the raw lyx format on a number of occasions.  vim
can make formatting changes to the file that would otherwise be awkward.
At times, it's been my way out when a format changed across versions of
lyx.  And most importantly, when I was stranded for two days with an old
copy of my dissertation and a deadline looming, I was able to make the
changes, and use diff and patch to modify the current file on my

I really know nothing about xml, but if it loses any of the advantages
of a pure text file, we lose a lot . . .


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